Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.



It is pretty amazing that we as a nation are so brain dead that nobody even asks, why he thinks he can give a hundred million dollars to anyone.
Because it usually comes with strings attached, and that usually means "buy American" with it.



Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Declan has a unusual view of this for an Irishman .
firstly Hamas was created by Israel and funded by them for decades --the reason for this was if they could split the Palestinian people with two rival groups ( PLO /HAMAS) then the 2 state solution would never happen --the Palestinian would be too divided and therefore castrated politically .
the Israelis and the USA both agreed to establish Hamas properly------ they would allow an election in Gaza and lo and behold Hamas were elected however they refused to do the USA bidding and were then described as TERRORISTS .
an Irishman would see his own history in the Palestinians and this is their 1916 gamble.
For fuck sake get a grip, are you comparing irish in 1923 to savages that kill people driving by in cars. Before Hezbalah joins the fight, will you be saying that the CIA created them and israel created the 2 million iranians that signed up to kill the jews.

What should concern an irishman is that none of them gets into Ireland. Egypt will not take them, Jordan will not take them, nobody will take them, except the stupid paddy and Sinn Fein


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Sep 11, 2021
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n the 2 state solution would never happen --
Before the arabs attacked in 1967, they had two states as they controled the entire west bank and golan heights. But it was not enough, they thought they could get it all.

And all is what they want, not just the middle east, they want the entire earth, what is needed is Charles the Hammer


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Sep 11, 2021
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Looks like Gonzo never made it out of that corrupt cesspit. Poor bastard. God knows what they're doing to him now.

he is in deep shit from the start, but now that ukraine is a non story , he is really really in deep shit


Staff member
Mar 13, 2023
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For fuck sake get a grip, are you comparing irish in 1923 to savages that kill people driving by in cars. Before Hezbalah joins the fight, will you be saying that the CIA created them and israel created the 2 million iranians that signed up to kill the jews.

What should concern an irishman is that none of them gets into Ireland. Egypt will not take them, Jordan will not take them, nobody will take them, except the stupid paddy and Sinn Fein
They're both different forms of Garbage, really. What the state of Israel does to Palestine on the regular is inexcusable and indefensible. It's also an ethnostate. Imagine if Higgins came out and said 'We're closing our borders to anybody who isn't genetically Irish. It doesn't matter if you've ever lived here, or whether or not your relatives have lived here in the last 300 years. So long as you can prove you've got Irish blood, you will be given a citizenship. But everybody else can go fuck themselves'.

That's literally what Israel is. That's literally what Israel does.

There is no other Nation on Earth as racist as Israel, by definition, and there is no ostensible difference to what they do than what the Nazis did.

This is what 'Right of return' means.

Literally no other nation on Earth would be granted permission to operate this way by NATO or the UN. No other nation on Earth would be given a pass to operate this by the MSM, which is Jewish-owned.

Israel is the only country a sitting member of the US congress can have dual citizenship with.

What Jews in media talk about this? Bill Maher? Nope. He's too busy talking about how Russia is a 'Pot that doesn't melt' while Israel is manufacturing an ethnostate. Who screams 'RACISM'! the loudest? Don't answer, I'll tell you; The ADL. This is their entire business model. But the ADL has no qualms championing Israel which is, literally, the most racist state in existence.

Zionist Jews are in fact even worse than fanatical Muslims. A fanatical Muslim will let an infidel convert to Islam. A zionist Jew will not let a non-jew convert to Judiasm. They despise Christians, while Jesus is venerated in Quran.You're either a Jew by matrilineal blood or you're not. And if you're not, you are goy to be exploited and murdered at will, because you are not God's chosen people.

The only reason Zionist Jews are not the preeminent threat to western civilisation is because there is--thankfully--fuck all of them, which is not true of Islam. Believe me, they would be more than Happy to erase the goy from the face of the Earth up to the requiste amount required for indentured serfdom. Don't believe me? Go read the Talmud, which they won'ttalk to you about. And Unlike the muzzies, they'd do this on the basis of genetics--not faith. The long goal of the zionist Jew is to destroy western societies and steal their power in order to bring about by subterfuge the prophecies in their ridiculous texts, which tells them one day they'll own everything, and all the goy will be their slaves.
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Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Imagine if Higgins came out and said 'We're closing our borders to anybody who isn't genetically Irish. It doesn't matter if you've ever lived here, or whether or not your relatives have lived here in the last 300 years. So long as you can prove you've got Irish blood, you will be given a citizenship. But everybody else can go fuck themselves.
An excellent idea.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Before the arabs attacked in 1967, they had two states as they controled the entire west bank and golan heights. But it was not enough, they thought they could get it all.

And all is what they want, not just the middle east, they want the entire earth, what is needed is Charles the Hammer
Palestine was the only place on earth which never had a pogrom of the Jews in 2000 years .
the reason for this was that both Jews and Palestinian Arabs were Semitic and treated each other like brothers -- they shared their food and loaned each other money and raised each others kids as there was little to divide them --.
amazingly the country did not have an army and had a small police presence -- and this relaxed and peaceful way of living was their downfall when the British invaded and then the Kazarians invaded and they now had no army to defend themselves with .
if you look at old film of Palestine its hard to get as Israel has bought up and confiscated all the old film stock which shows a beautiful country without any security presence -- no fences no barriers nothing but smiling happy people .
the Palestinians owned Palestine -- and the mad idea was hatched by the British that if they gave what they did not own to people who did not own it either.
Then the Americians who swore they would never enter the European war could be maneuvered by the powerful Jews of America to fight with the British and they would defeat Germany who they perceived as a economic rival.
if you terrorize a entire people and in one month cause 700,000 of them to leave their homes often with food on the table,
and their money also left behind ---and they flee with just the clothes on their back -
-you make further inquiries and you find that the family was the core of Palestinian life and they had a very strong community which was self policing due to their high set of morals .
when you take a village and assemble all of them ----elderly and very young kids,
and you force them to watch you abort a heavily pregnant woman using a bayonet ---
you trigger a mental response that everyone must flee and that's what they did -- its recorded --it happened .
in Israeli schools kids are taught that the stupid Palestinians simply were so feckless they just abandoned their homes by the thousands .
their situation was hopeless after 70 years of struggle and this goading to get the Israelis to fight them is the highest risk strategy there is,
the yanks with their vast technology --b52 fleets of bombers -- everything they could throw at them --were beaten by a peasant army who hid in the tunnels.
the Israeli army has everything to fight a war somewhere else -- and have spent the past 70 years just shooting women and children but have nothing but shitting in their trousers infantry to face the Palestinians who have like hisbulla defeated them easily in hand to hand fighting.
most army's have seen what they did and they have enraged the Israelis to fight on Palestinian terms with Palestinian tech .
to combat this the Israelis have dropped in the past few days over 60,000 bombs.
more bombs that dropped in the entire war with Afgahnastan as their infantry are too terrified to face the Palestinians .
its their 1916 --good luck to them .
the terrorist Israelis have brought this to where it is and the Palestinians have nothing left to do except what they are doing .


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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They're both different forms of Garbage, really. What the state of Israel does to Palestine on the regular is inexcusable and indefensible. It's also an ethnostate. Imagine if Higgins came out and said 'We're closing our borders to anybody who isn't genetically Irish. It doesn't matter if you've ever lived here, or whether or not your relatives have lived here in the last 300 years. So long as you can prove you've got Irish blood, you will be given a citizenship. But everybody else can go fuck themselves'.

That's literally what Israel is. That's literally what Israel does.

There is no other Nation on Earth as racist as Israel, by definition, and there is no ostensible difference to what they do than what the Nazis did.

This is what 'Right of return' means.

Literally no other nation on Earth would be granted permission to operate this way by NATO or the UN. No other nation on Earth would be given a pass to operate this by the MSM, which is Jewish-owned.

Israel is the only country a sitting member of the US congress can have dual citizenship with.

What Jews in media talk about this? Bill Maher? Nope. He's too busy talking about how Russia is a 'Pot that doesn't melt' while Israel is manufacturing an ethnostate. Who screams 'RACISM'! the loudest? Don't answer, I'll tell you; The ADL. This is their entire business model. But the ADL has no qualms championing Israel which is, literally, the most racist state in existence.

Zionist Jews are in fact even worse than fanatical Muslims. A fanatical Muslim will let an infidel convert to Islam. A zionist Jew will not let a non-jew convert to Judiasm. They despise Christians, while Jesus is venerated in Quran.You're either a Jew by matrilineal blood or you're not. And if you're not, you are goy to be exploited and murdered at will, because you are not God's chosen people.

The only reason Zionist Jews are not the preeminent threat to western civilisation is because there is--thankfully--fuck all of them, which is not true of Islam. Believe me, they would be more than Happy to erase the goy from the face of the Earth up to the requiste amount required for indentured serfdom. Don't believe me? Go read the Talmud, which they won'ttalk to you about. And Unlike the muzzies, they'd do this on the basis of genetics--not faith. The long goal of the zionist Jew is to destroy western societies and steal their power in order to bring about by subterfuge the prophecies in their ridiculous texts, which tells them one day they'll own everything, and all the goy will be their slaves.
great post it educates using facts easily available for further study.

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