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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2023
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The Germans led by the Greener's have gone mad, cocaine psychosis(marching powder) perhaps but the results are showing!
Look at yesterdays news . . .

. . .
German Foreign Minister wants to accelerate provision of Taurus missiles to Ukraine

Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany, believes that the decision to provide Ukraine with Taurus long-range missiles should be made faster, as every day matters.
Source: Baerbock at a press conference in Berlin on Monday, reports European Pravda with reference to DPA
Details: Answering the question of whether she will support the early provision of Taurus missiles to Ukraine, the head of the German Foreign Ministry noted: "The fact that every day matters is what I think we should have understood already in the last year and half."
Baerbock also mentioned the decision of Denmark and the Netherlands to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine after the end of the training, calling it "a wonderful day for Ukraine and, accordingly, a wonderful day for Europe".
She stressed that every day we are being reminded of the cruelty of the Russian war against Ukraine.

Somehow they breed extremely dangerous, hostile, untrustworthy & mad Governments who'll take no criticism for their proven erroneous ways - Mask mandates being a prime example. - The new 4th reich dancing to unmentionable tunes - According to their version of history, how perverted is that??😖
Nazi Germany is chomping at the bit to get fully back into the war business.
What could possibly go wrong?


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
Nazi Germany is chomping at the bit to get fully back into the war business.
What could possibly go wrong?

Have posted this yesterday but worth repeating due to the occasion that's in it, Russia's Medvedev has replied to the old attackers in no uncertain terms

Commenting on German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s remarks, who described it as "a good day for Ukraine" and Europe, Medvedev wrote on Telegram: "Ah, don’t get carried away too much with toy plane games in your sandbox, kids. Lest the next ‘good day’ for Europe may become its last day."
He attached a photo of a downed Nazi Germany plane to the post.🤯

The Germans must think they're on another planet as they act out the Baddie Nazi roles for themselves, same as Zitler they apparently have convinced themselves that they Think it - They do it - They win.



Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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The Germans led by the Greener's have gone mad, cocaine psychosis(marching powder) perhaps but the results are showing!
Look at yesterdays news . . .

. . .
German Foreign Minister wants to accelerate provision of Taurus missiles to Ukraine

Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister of Germany, believes that the decision to provide Ukraine with Taurus long-range missiles should be made faster, as every day matters.
Source: Baerbock at a press conference in Berlin on Monday, reports European Pravda with reference to DPA
Details: Answering the question of whether she will support the early provision of Taurus missiles to Ukraine, the head of the German Foreign Ministry noted: "The fact that every day matters is what I think we should have understood already in the last year and half."
Baerbock also mentioned the decision of Denmark and the Netherlands to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine after the end of the training, calling it "a wonderful day for Ukraine and, accordingly, a wonderful day for Europe".
She stressed that every day we are being reminded of the cruelty of the Russian war against Ukraine.

Somehow they breed extremely dangerous, hostile, untrustworthy & mad Governments who'll take no criticism for their proven erroneous ways - Mask mandates being a prime example. - The new 4th reich dancing to unmentionable tunes - According to their version of history, how perverted is that??😖
You mean like

Posted this earlier.
But it's very pertinent to your observations.



Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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I still find it slightly surreal the sight of a young Environmentalist woman egging on the great powers into a potential nuclear war.
Big differences to the German greens of the 80s and 90s.
Totally subverted party.
Mind you.
How does it reflect on their electoral base?
Equally mad and unaware
Like oh something that happened a long time ago.


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Nazi Germany is chomping at the bit to get fully back into the war business.
What could possibly go wrong?
Looking at the assholes masquerading as political in the west.
The selection process.
WEF seems a thing in the process.
No real world experience.
Straight from college a financial consultant then politics.
In the most peaceful prosperous times in reality (for the west)
Mostly bullshit degrees though not all.
But all from comfortable affluent backgrounds.
And most crucial.
No life experience worth mentioning.
No historical context or awareness.
And the big question.
Who provides the advice.?
European leaders are totally comprised
by the crew in DC.
Last edited:

Skin the Goat

Active member
Feb 14, 2023
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Looking at the assholes masquerading as political in the west.
The selection process.
WEF seems a thing in the process.
No real world experience.
Straight from college a financial consultant then politics.
In the most peaceful prosperous times in reality (for the west)
Mostly bullshit degrees though not all.
But all from comfortable affluent backgrounds.
And most crucial.
No life experience worth mentioning.
No historical context or awareness.
And the big question.
Who provides the advice.?
European leaders are totally comprised
by the crew in DC.

Do share.

What is your "life experience worth mentioning" or "historical context or awareness" that makes you so superior to other people?

And how is anyone "comprised" by anything?

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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Do share.

What is your "life experience worth mentioning" or "historical context or awareness" that makes you so superior to other people?

And how is anyone "comprised" by anything?
Read his posts and you'll understand, but you don't really want to.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Goat that's an aggressive post toward a well established member here.


Staff member
Mar 13, 2023
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Do share.

What is your "life experience worth mentioning" or "historical context or awareness" that makes you so superior to other people?

And how is anyone "comprised" by anything?
It's true that Western Universities have been co-opted and corrupted by deranged far-left progressivism underwritten by very bad forms of trite sociological theory that were laughed at in my time in Academia. It's a shame really, it's an amazing field of thought. Mostly, this has accelerated due to the hyper-commercialisation of higher education. The institutions have debased their currency, which is standards, by producing a plethora of cheap degrees with virtually no practical real-world application whatsoever, that are based on useless knowledge, in the name of profit. The result is a lot of functionally useless graduates with no market skills and heads filled with shit who are not trained in anything useful at all but are instead well-versed in a discourse that is destructive and insane, and that nobody wants nor has any use for. The students lose, society loses, the market loses, the divide between left and right deepens. The only entities that win are the universities.


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Do share.

What is your "life experience worth mentioning" or "historical context or awareness" that makes you so superior to other people?

And how is anyone "comprised" by anything?
You are easily pleased with performance of western European politics it seems.
You tell us all so why they are so great.?

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