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  1. V

    "Tommy Robinson" arrested at "March Against Antisemitism" Rally.

    Not me, I get the blame for everything.
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    "Tommy Robinson" arrested at "March Against Antisemitism" Rally.

    Robinson was arrested in Canada yesterday
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    The National Party

    I spent the last 15 mins trying to find out the 1st preference vote for each candidate inn the EU Midlands North West Constituency. The only one I could find was from the Irish Times behind a pay wall. Has anyone a link to the 1st count result?
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    The Gemma Thread.

    Considering the Yanks call a man's arshe a fanny I will skip learning about their latest new words
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    The Gemma Thread.

    Good luck with that in Court No 12.
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    The Gemma Thread.

    Its is Irish law only, except where it is EU law and I for one have laboured to force government comply with EU law.
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    The Gemma Thread.

    I don't think anything about her case except I saw a few court outcomes and some resulted in the loser being handed a bill for their opponents senior, junior counsel and a firm of solicitors. Figures of 250K in some cases. I understand she is conducting her own defence, I have acted...
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    The Gemma Thread.

    Toker's ????
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    The Gemma Thread.

    Is Cavan being selected because it is home to the person who will take her house from her and put her sleeping with the winos?
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    The Gemma Thread.

    Whoever McGurk is he/she is irrelevant. Gemma was also right keeping me out, thank God for that.
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    The Gemma Thread.

    Please all try to make your posts as stupid as possible. If some one other than me and Myles O'Reilly ( a descendent of Myles the Slasher who mated with a Protestant woman left behind as Munroe retreated) post a sensible intelligible post I will die of shock. My life is in your hands.
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    The Gemma Thread.

    I was in St Michins several times. The Sears Bros are entombed there as is Lord Longford.
  13. V

    Michael Collins Teachta Daila, Could he be our hope?

    Very strong, says we are full up.
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    Michael Collins Teachta Daila, Could he be our hope?

    I am a member of a group of very Irish folk (but not little Irish) who are very highly educated and can never be seen associating with me. Last evening we had a zoom meeting on the elections and there was an air of sadness at the result but some celebration at the Greens and Sin Fein losing so...
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    The Gemma Thread.

    We had a zoom meeting of our secret group last evening. Two hour of chat about the election outcome. It may not all be bad news and videos will be published soon. The main point is that Michael Collins TD emerged as a winner and he appears to be very sound. He may be where the future...
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    The Gemma Thread.

    It is hard to dispute, I would not mind the local elections but the Euros were a referendum on how the country is being run. Any loss by the greens was gained by Labour and Fine Gael. Even if 4 TD on our side got enected next time including John, what difference would it make?
  17. V

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Surely the election result tells us we are finished, bucked, defeated. We got all the greens out, but Ming, M Walsh, Doherty in. One NP and one IFP Councillor. Nationalists are defeated for ever.
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    The Gemma Thread.

    You write a sentence containing a fada. There is none on my computer
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    The Gemma Thread.

    Shiog is a fairy, banshi is a woman fairy. The i is witten ee sometimes
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    The Collapse of Woke Hollywood

    Are you sure? What happened? Nothing here.

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