World Wide Woke thread

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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For anyone who's committed themselves, what's the gist of the above essay?

Jay Homer Simpson

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2023
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A year or two ago, there was a 50 yo Dutch man who went to court wanting to legally change his age to 30 because he felt 30, absolutely everyone, even rainbow Ukraine flag types mocked and ridiculed him.. But the thing is, Imagine 20 Or 30 years ago, if a man went to court wanting to legally be declared a woman....


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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On the topic of the sovereign person, this is something that in our culture (meaning the Irish) was entirely assumed with contrary examples treated as strange aberrations. Eccentricity was quite common and natural within our society but this eccentricity was accepted and enjoyed as evidence of personal sovereignty and the variety of Creation. Now, the proper definition of the above sovereignty is difficult to describe but I will make some effort at it.

One of the attributes was the responsibility of oneself to oneself to align with the natural harmonic of one's life. With this came the consequent free decision making power over life choices (such as marriage) and the right to just ambition (such as free employment). Situations which violate it are invalid and hold only coercive power.

The natural response of such a belief in personal sovereignty in one's meeting of another person was the conclusion that there was an equivalent entity looking back at you through the other's eyes. That entity may have different characteristics, experience and talents but retains their equivalence nonetheless and should be taken seriously. This attitude is borne in a society of free people.

Within societies where master/slave dominance relationships predominated there were gradations of dignity with the casual instrumentalisation of lower grades (terrible losses at the front? press-gang more scrotes!) - however with the advent of the Christian ethos, and later that of Liberal politics (in the classical sense), this changed, in iterations over some centuries, finally being more or less culturally ensconced as the modus vivendi in the Western influenced world system by the C20th. While the claim to personal sovereignty was made evident through the revelation of the soul, enculturated through the activity of the faithful, and forwarded through the organisational structure by rational interest, it is commonly recently made via absolutist claim.

This is the fundamental argument made by those who wish to incongruently "flash the ROM" and convert themselves into something quite contrary to what they are. Which brings us to the question, by way of explanation, of the prohibition of certain categories of drugs.

Why can't someone "harmonise" with cocaine, heroine or fentanyl? The "libertarian" argument is that as long as they are not affecting other people there is no jurisdiction of the state over them. Now this rule of thumb, in fact, is how life is generally lived, and was always lived, in this country. While the squinting windows were always a nuisance (being punishable by the forfeiture of a number of cattle as far back as Brehon law) there was the usual Irish solution to an Irish problem approach to the application of state power. The rise of the use of novel drugs (that only made an appearance from the late mid C20th) presented a problem with this accommodation.

So why are addictive drugs abhorrent? The answer lies in their function as enslavement tools. The drug - such as heroin - is not so much a commodity like sugar as an instrument of control which enable the suppliers to engage a cohort of users in begging, stealing and extorting money for them. To become a drug addict is to lose one's personal sovereignty - something that is repugnant to the instantiated culture. How facile the addiction, in addition to its depth and effects, is an important factor in its actionability here.

While the addict retains a semblance of their former self, it is the addiction that is determinate. Now, while it possible for the remnant to recover control over their personality, methods of doing this are imperfect and losses predominate. Furthermore, the addictive portion's primary mechanism is to use the remnant as a cloak to conceal its action, thus caution has to be vigilantly exercised during any engagement. Certainly those that have succeeded are to be celebrated but it taints their lives. It is this taint, in addition to the casualty rate, that justifies intervention by the state to combat its proliferation - there is a public interest in combating the inculcation of a slave culture into a free people.

A group intelligence is something we are all intimately familiar with - it is the knowledge of means and things we receive as well as a guide to the way we go about things.

For example, there is a way to successfully behave when one is in the swimming pool. We can be experienced pool goers or novice ones. There are things that are best suited to use there and behaviours that facilitate our having a good pool visit. There are ways to swim that are not merely randomly selected but rather are objectively the successful methods to swim strongly rather than drown. Skill levels do not always produce faster results than strength levels in different physiologies but are to be prized nonetheless. Furthermore, for a swimming pool to exist (and be a facility for us) everyone has to interact harmoniously and work together to make it work - there are roles appropriate to its organisation and to its participants. We may take it for granted but a swimming pool open to the public is a wonder of progress and has degrees of intricacy that are sensitive to challenges of operation, safety, cleanliness, instruction, privacy etc. There are different successful ways to instantiate a swimming pool that may differ slightly but on the whole concur with each other and, indeed, there is probably a way that excels achieved through particular expertise. A chaotic swimming pool may persist for a while as it erodes but it will inevitably wind down and become inoperable - the world we inhabit is not quantum.

Similarly, there are group intelligences active (examples include physics, wrestling and lorry driving) in all human activity that upgrade the reflexive with the addition of sedimentary wisdom, human astuteness and recommended practice. They augment us and combine with the personal - in the practical to produce efficacy and in the existential to produce identity. They ought to be regarded with admiration, respect and care.

Okay, so, words, words, words. Another point should be made. We are thus receptive to group intelligence and dysfunctional if we cannot participate in them. This means that there are gateways for them in our mentalities and these gateways can be hacked, especially in those of us unguarded by way of inexperience or complacency, by criminally extractive interests. There are methods to do this through a mixture of brutalism, repetition and persuasion that obscenely mimic the normal acquisition of a group intelligence. The academic literature on these methods only really began on this properly mid C20th and resulted from the mass application of these methods in their modern form during the years leading up to WW1.

There is another point to be made - the clownworld and bizzaro world effects. Those that have been hacked in this way become sterile in their thinking and dissociative in their behaviour. They employ a projective shield to their activities. Thus they become hazardous, even if they are victims in their own right. Uncontrolled they herald a rabid era where the intrinsically pathological are able to hijack identity through social contagion. It is this hijacking of culture that I think that Kennan was warning about in his Long Telegram and that he was so dismayed with later in his life.
Great bit of scripture there all right. Great big words too.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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A year or two ago, there was a 50 yo Dutch man who went to court wanting to legally change his age to 30 because he felt 30, absolutely everyone, even rainbow Ukraine flag types mocked and ridiculed him.. But the thing is, Imagine 20 Or 30 years ago, if a man went to court wanting to legally be declared a woman....
It would take courage by him by his barrister and by the judge. None would have the balls.


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Mar 13, 2023
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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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[For Myles - Tucker is red-pilled]

This has an intellectually thrilling aspect to it. Desmet is of the rigour that was normal in late Liberal Democracy (gifted to it by academic tradition), and significantly contrasts with the present slovenly arrangement precipitated by the shift to chumpism.

I would argue that his use of the word irrational, in his concluding thoughts, is misplaced - being more generally connected to chaotic conditions of disharmony and solipsism emergent within the individual as described in his theory of mass formation. Despite his being an adept in the English language, the word irrational has a primary sense that may misdirect less learned observers who are unaware of its other use as an synonym of non-rational. A sense that one might see articulated in the closing sequences of the film 2001. While collectivism may seem social it is, in fact, radically atomising - it is a reduction rather than a bonding. This can be seen in Orwell's description of the personless society, and the reliably fractious behaviour of collectivist movements where only saturated control by a pathological coterie can produce stable social conditions. I think that a better word would be supra-rational (although this prefix is complicated by its general association with the super-rational). So the subrational (or sensate and instinctual - action in the world of feeling), the rational (externally lucid and fixed - action in the material world), and the supra-rational (interdimensional and harmonic - action in the world of existence) could, perhaps, be his schema here. It traces the model of the Id, Ego and Super Ego but does not correspond to them since Desmet suggests states of awareness that are consciously available to the individual rather than agents of motivation that unconsiously grip the individual. Essentially he differs in the conceptualisation of the nature of person as entity. It's more substantial than that, the above being only some small effort to digest his luminous remarks rather than a particularly good articulation of them. His description of truth as resonate knowledge is particularly good. It might be conjectured that the rise in mental disquiet is specifically linked to the increasing paucity of interactions dutiful to truth and the proliferation of extractive models of interaction - the Age of the Triumph of the Maw so to speak. In any case, this is an interesting discussion and worth watching while still available.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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I'm sorry mate, I can't read all that sh1t.

Could you summarise in say two sentences?

I did! That was the red-pilled part - a sentence put in especially for you. Anyway, I think I'm doing quite well at this tldr craic and I'm not stopping for you, pal.

Red-pilled here means the recognition of the radically corrosive effects of lying. Lying has become endemic in nearly every aspect of modern life and seen as a useful resort - indeed there's almost a celebration of the lie as a useful strategy in enhancing one's status and possessions. One might particularly look at the glorification of the lie in "woke" ideology, with lies brazenly utilised to evade personal responsibility by externalising it - the group adoption of "The Excuse" to mollify narcissistic disappointment and generate unmerited attention for its members. If you study liars, their desperate misery is obvious in their disharmonic lives, with their only satisfaction being conceit and the the momentary excitement of the beguile. They always have a sympathy narrative (buttressed by their very real misery) used to create a misplaced pity that is simply another tool in their armoury of deception. Desmet is, here, trying to disabuse us of the glamour of the lie. How many people think that they become sophisticated by lying? It is far too common. Rationalisation is a poisonous art.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Who do you think came up with the term (or at least popularised it)? 🤔

If you are not a nationalist (the far right, antisemitic, Nazi etc.) and certainly if you are anti-nationalist (as Tucker is), then I think that you are most definitely not red pilled.

The term in the film it originated from referred to the choice between a delusional life and an authentic one. That's the substantial meaning.

As for the second part of your post, we have an expression in Ireland - would you ever cop on? It's difficult to explain to a foreigner, but it means something like: please meditate on your statement or behaviour and reconsider its wisdom or prudence .

There is a legitimate concern with a surfeit of migration into Ireland, and the consequent saturation of capacity. There have already been indications from across the EU of this becoming a pressing concern and, given recent events, I expect that we will see a prominence given to Frontex that we have not seen for a number of years. It is quite true that there is a concern that too great an influx of migrants from more primitive cultures may overwhelm integration efforts and lead to the reproduction within the host countries of the same conditions that prevail in the countries from which they fled. There is a need to be pragmatic in the parameters of our humanitarian ambitions and not be disarmed by the naive enthusiasts of the migrant industrial complex who seem to have moved from the charity racket into this field. Refugees have a right to safe harbour, however where that safe harbour is does not always have to be in those countries that are in the furthest reaches from the origin of disarray. We must, whatever our contentions over policy, inviolably operate within the codes of practice that have enabled the nations of Europe to be civil and prosperous, judging first a person by their character and conduct, rather than on their appearance or provenance. We should not be gulled by sentimental flattery or hardened by selfish opinion. And, furthermore, we should acknowledge that an anxiety in the deterioration of the capacities of our own people - through deteriorating habits and skillsets - should not be projected onto newcomers that exceed us in aptitude and attitude. Such a motive would disgrace us.

Nationalism is not a dirty word (despite your association with pathologised mentalities that employ it as a ruse) rather it is, simply, an organic fealty to one's own native culture and kith and kin. These have an indispensible value to the identity of the individual human being and an indispensible value to mutual aid and rectitude. The condemnation of nationalism arises out of the chauvinism and supremacism excited by previous dynastic and imperial regimentations, and the consequent ruinous conflicts and conditions they produced. This condemnation is also promoted by more contemporary ideological competitors who wish to draw political competencies away from local organisation into more homogenous centres, all the better to concoct their own idealised schemes. Nonetheless, we should take a considered position. There has always been two primary drivers of European co-operation: that of the European Community of Nations, and that of a Federalised Europe. There is a continuing tension between both of these that has served the people of Europe well, as a balance of the two perspectives can address more fully problems difficult for one or the other to identify and process. Thus, I am not, first and foremost, some base unit of a utopian political mechanism maintained by a perfected elite - I reject grandiosity whatever lure it presents. No, I am a humble Irishman in nature, a civic republican in political philosophy, and a citizen of an independent neutral constitutional state. However, I do acknowledge, and welcome, mutual participation and amity with the other peoples of Europe. There is an important place for technocratic instruments in developed societies and I think, given appropriate limits on their scope, they are essential in maximising successful outcomes for the countries who are their patrons. The European project has been, and continues to be, of enormous benefit to us, and it is something we can take pride in participating in. I'm happy to call myself a European as well as an Irishman, these are not contradictions in terms.


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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This lesbian "white Gaelgeoir" with a TikTik on Irish history, native trees and the environment thinks Gript media are "far right" and thinks "ethno-nationalists" can't be anti-colonial, and blocks people she doesn't like.

Is anti-colonial Palestinian nationalism as much ethno-nationalism as Zionism or Irish Republicanism before the late 90s? Do they have same sex marriage in the Gaza Strip? If they don't does that make them "fascists"? Wasn't the Jewish state of Israel created by mass immigration that she supports for Ireland?

View attachment 2884

Don't be putting reality into her happy la la land world.

free and clean

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2023
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Palestine, Ukraine and Trans flags in profile. 😆

View attachment 2905
Imagine the real world damage these loons are doing. They're stuffed into every profession, every institution. The political and media classes are completely in thrall to their ideology.

I've noticed in work recently that it's becoming more common that people emailing us are signing off their mails with he/him or she/her. It's fucking insane.

I suggested before that it might be an idea to ship them all to Spike Island to protect wider society. I can only imagine the damage this cult is doing to young impressionable minds.




Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
Imagine the real world damage these loons are doing.
Your imagination is getting carried away on a flight of fancy perhaps?

They're stuffed into every profession, every institution. The political and media classes are completely in thrall to their ideology
They're having second thoughts and are now rolling back to sensible perspectives. Things were looking a bit crazy in some cases, for sure.

I've noticed in work recently that it's becoming more common that people emailing us are signing off their mails with he/him or she/her. It's fucking insane.
Symptomatic of the World we live in Today.

I suggested before that it might be an idea to ship them all to Spike Island to protect wider society
Society has enough protection - Take it or Leave it will do. Why go further with Punishments.
Stick with your community and develop a better world for yourselves - Live and let live:)

I can only imagine the damage this cult is doing to young impressionable minds.
Yet again your imagination is getting carried away, Think about it? Think about the facts?
The world is a crazy place and has been pumping chemicals into the populations for 100+ years
Now some of those substances have unsurprisingly affected peoples natural body chemistry in strange unnatural ways - People have undergone changes in the womb before they're born and through their early growing years and consequently are formed with unusual characteristics - strange mentalities and sexual orientations are part of the phenomenon, amongst many other characteristics both physical and mental.
Chemicals of all sorts. Those derived from plastic bottles are full of female hormones have had a huge impact on existing normal male sperm - there's thousands of others!!

Here's some fact's

“For an increasing number of people attending the service, engaging in these tasks can be difficult. There are many potential reasons for this. Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is only one, but is increasingly common in our service. In 2014 the prevalence of ASD was less than 3 per cent whereas now more than 30 per cent of people attending have clinical features of autism or ASD.”


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