World Wide Woke thread


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Feb 4, 2022
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Last throw of the dice by the UK government, attempting to win over the majority who are sick of wokeness?


Coal Gas and peat

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May 2, 2022
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🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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Man Kicks Trans Person in the Head After the Trans Person Continued Touching His Foot Inappropriately on the Bus


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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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Man Kicks Trans Person in the Head After the Trans Person Continued Touching His Foot Inappropriately on the Bus


He should have " " Accidentally " " stood on the hand early doors = = Just make as to get up and " " Terrible Accident " "

Goes to show that a lot of these Perverts are using all sorts of " Stunts " to Pervert.

And this has been known for pretty much forever ~ ~ I mean known by Medical Professionals ( In Mental Health and the like ) = = But under Communist Fascism = = People are no longer allowed to talk about this.

Russell Brand need to Play the Trans-Card and Fast.


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Sep 25, 2023
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(1) Our first step must be to apprehend, and recognize for what it is, the nature of the movement with which we are dealing. We must study it with same courage, detachment, objectivity, and same determination not to be emotionally provoked or unseated by it, with which [a] doctor studies [an] unruly and unreasonable individual.


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Jan 7, 2022
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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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I wish ya luck with that.

(5) Finally we must have courage and self-confidence to cling to our own methods and conceptions of human society. After All, the greatest danger that can befall us in coping with this problem of Soviet communism, is that we shall allow ourselves to become like those with whom we are coping.

[from the above link]

When we look at the criticisms of the trajectory of Western civilisation after the inception of the Cold War (such in that category of observation and speculation described as conspiracy thinking) we can see that they are rooted in exactly this problem - did the Free World (so to speak) adopt the stratagems of the ideological despotisms and inculcate them into its institutions and culture? Are we seeing the culmination of these tactics presently in the psychological and cultural breakdown of civic and social society?

Is this why Kennan turned against the manner with which the Cold War was prosecuted? Was it inevitable that, within the context of such a prolonged conflict, an equilibrium would be reached whereby Bolshevism was moderated and Liberal Democracy radicalised? Once the Cold War with the Soviets was resolved were measures taken to mitigate the toxins of this conflict or, once accepted as necessary, did the logic find a new carrier and, having gained critical momentum, carry on unimpeded and politely ignored? Is this all merely the product of the technologisation of human civilisation with the Soviet and National Socialist regimes being merely crude precursors? These are fundamental questions of which there is no reasonable discussion.

I joined the site not to remark on particular events or personalities - I think that the general arrangement of these have already been established and the facts are not so much at issue as to whether those facts are feasibly actionable. This confusion and factionalisation of actionability feeds a general sense that things are bound to deteriorate until some threshold is reached which will trigger the restoration of some semblance of commonsense consistent with natural law. Some embrace the decomposition seeing advantage in it, some hope that this will be remedied with measured responses that will stave off a general collapse, and some are not so optimistic.

So, I hope you'll forgive any lack of wit or brevity in my posts. They are as much for me to work out a general theory to make sense of current trends as anything else. The first effort I will make is to try and describe and distinguish individual and group intelligence. That's bound to be a turgid effort but this seems to be an appropriate thread as the movement it refers to is an example where a pathological group intelligence is developed and promoted purely for its decompositional utility.

One would suggest that Kennan's Long Telegram is read in full. It is an important addition to any understanding of our current milieu as it, at a minimum, speaks plainly about the various instruments of policy at work in the dominance game.
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Sep 25, 2023
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On the topic of the sovereign person, this is something that in our culture (meaning the Irish) was entirely assumed with contrary examples treated as strange aberrations. Eccentricity was quite common and natural within our society but this eccentricity was accepted and enjoyed as evidence of personal sovereignty and the variety of Creation. Now, the proper definition of the above sovereignty is difficult to describe but I will make some effort at it.

One of the attributes was the responsibility of oneself to oneself to align with the natural harmonic of one's life. With this came the consequent free decision making power over life choices (such as marriage) and the right to just ambition (such as free employment). Situations which violate it are invalid and hold only coercive power.

The natural response of such a belief in personal sovereignty in one's meeting of another person was the conclusion that there was an equivalent entity looking back at you through the other's eyes. That entity may have different characteristics, experience and talents but retains their equivalence nonetheless and should be taken seriously. This attitude is borne in a society of free people.

Within societies where master/slave dominance relationships predominated there were gradations of dignity with the casual instrumentalisation of lower grades (terrible losses at the front? press-gang more scrotes!) - however with the advent of the Christian ethos, and later that of Liberal politics (in the classical sense), this changed, in iterations over some centuries, finally being more or less culturally ensconced as the modus vivendi in the Western influenced world system by the C20th. While the claim to personal sovereignty was made evident through the revelation of the soul, enculturated through the activity of the faithful, and forwarded through the organisational structure by rational interest, it is commonly recently made via absolutist claim.

This is the fundamental argument made by those who wish to incongruently "flash the ROM" and convert themselves into something quite contrary to what they are. Which brings us to the question, by way of explanation, of the prohibition of certain categories of drugs.

Why can't someone "harmonise" with cocaine, heroine or fentanyl? The "libertarian" argument is that as long as they are not affecting other people there is no jurisdiction of the state over them. Now this rule of thumb, in fact, is how life is generally lived, and was always lived, in this country. While the squinting windows were always a nuisance (being punishable by the forfeiture of a number of cattle as far back as Brehon law) there was the usual Irish solution to an Irish problem approach to the application of state power. The rise of the use of novel drugs (that only made an appearance from the late mid C20th) presented a problem with this accommodation.

So why are addictive drugs abhorrent? The answer lies in their function as enslavement tools. The drug - such as heroin - is not so much a commodity like sugar as an instrument of control which enable the suppliers to engage a cohort of users in begging, stealing and extorting money for them. To become a drug addict is to lose one's personal sovereignty - something that is repugnant to the instantiated culture. How facile the addiction, in addition to its depth and effects, is an important factor in its actionability here.

While the addict retains a semblance of their former self, it is the addiction that is determinate. Now, while it possible for the remnant to recover control over their personality, methods of doing this are imperfect and losses predominate. Furthermore, the addictive portion's primary mechanism is to use the remnant as a cloak to conceal its action, thus caution has to be vigilantly exercised during any engagement. Certainly those that have succeeded are to be celebrated but it taints their lives. It is this taint, in addition to the casualty rate, that justifies intervention by the state to combat its proliferation - there is a public interest in combating the inculcation of a slave culture into a free people.

A group intelligence is something we are all intimately familiar with - it is the knowledge of means and things we receive as well as a guide to the way we go about things.

For example, there is a way to successfully behave when one is in the swimming pool. We can be experienced pool goers or novice ones. There are things that are best suited to use there and behaviours that facilitate our having a good pool visit. There are ways to swim that are not merely randomly selected but rather are objectively the successful methods to swim strongly rather than drown. Skill levels do not always produce faster results than strength levels in different physiologies but are to be prized nonetheless. Furthermore, for a swimming pool to exist (and be a facility for us) everyone has to interact harmoniously and work together to make it work - there are roles appropriate to its organisation and to its participants. We may take it for granted but a swimming pool open to the public is a wonder of progress and has degrees of intricacy that are sensitive to challenges of operation, safety, cleanliness, instruction, privacy etc. There are different successful ways to instantiate a swimming pool that may differ slightly but on the whole concur with each other and, indeed, there is probably a way that excels achieved through particular expertise. A chaotic swimming pool may persist for a while as it erodes but it will inevitably wind down and become inoperable - the world we inhabit is not quantum.

Similarly, there are group intelligences active (examples include physics, wrestling and lorry driving) in all human activity that upgrade the reflexive with the addition of sedimentary wisdom, human astuteness and recommended practice. They augment us and combine with the personal - in the practical to produce efficacy and in the existential to produce identity. They ought to be regarded with admiration, respect and care.

Okay, so, words, words, words. Another point should be made. We are thus receptive to group intelligence and dysfunctional if we cannot participate in them. This means that there are gateways for them in our mentalities and these gateways can be hacked, especially in those of us unguarded by way of inexperience or complacency, by criminally extractive interests. There are methods to do this through a mixture of brutalism, repetition and persuasion that obscenely mimic the normal acquisition of a group intelligence. The academic literature on these methods only really began on this properly mid C20th and resulted from the mass application of these methods in their modern form during the years leading up to WW1.

There is another point to be made - the clownworld and bizzaro world effects. Those that have been hacked in this way become sterile in their thinking and dissociative in their behaviour. They employ a projective shield to their activities. Thus they become hazardous, even if they are victims in their own right. Uncontrolled they herald a rabid era where the intrinsically pathological are able to hijack identity through social contagion. It is this hijacking of culture that I think that Kennan was warning about in his Long Telegram and that he was so dismayed with later in his life.
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Sep 25, 2023
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Category confusion - there has been a considerable upset in how we understand categories within Western cultures. The categories of people and phenomena are very important in how we interact with the world - it's no use going into a fashion boutique and asking for a boat engine or asking a child to prepare the annual budget of Nepal. In the same way, it is not a successful strategy to recruit airline pilots from customers in a nearby fast food outlet.

There has been an increasing disconnect between the subjective and the objective with this debate dominating popular philosophical discourse since at least the mid C20th. The argument for the primacy of the subjective is essentially that the human frame (male and female) is a piece of generic hardware that can be loaded with, what may appear to be, dissonant software, and that this is a path to uniqueness. It is a ghost in the machine view of humanity updated with materialistic programmability.

This may be described as the institutional valorisation of the Napoleon complex - where a person, perfectly convinced that they are Napoleon, undertakes leg shortening surgery to more closely approximate the Emperor's height. Its power can be seen in the uncomfortable and elusive responses presented by notables when the question of 'what is a woman?' is posed. And it can be seen in the close conditioning of children out of their natural growth regimen. We may defer judgement when this is undertaken by adults - perhaps looking upon it as a little tragic given the retreat into unreality and desertion of the true self - but it is particularly objectionable when induced in children, whoever the perpetrator.

Ideological miscategorisation is a significant indication of malignancy as it reconstitutes a target into an object for exploitation so a person can be treated as an animal, a child as an adult, a member of a particular group as a criminal and so on.

Indeed, the argument of critical race theory, that all European civilisations are structurally racist, uses this trick in the same way as imperialists used the racialism of their day to justify the seizure of foreign lands and peoples. There is a use of a despicable example to justify extreme measures, and then the application of these measures to people targeted for exploitation.

For example, an effort may be made to convince Azeris and Armenians that it is entirely reasonable to shell settlements, ambush refugees or withhold humanitarian supplies to the other side. Inevitably this is an effort by the worst elements in both, to seize control of the decision making power of the community they are in, for their own ends. It's the malicious use of affiliation to make others of the group accessories by the misuse of loyalty.

Say you're a proud Sligo man and a countyman steals a wallet from your neighbour in Cork. Should you pillory your neighbour because they objected to the theft? Is your loyalty first to your group or to justice? If it is then this is an instance of miscategorisation - the thief is first a thief and not a comrade. Now, Sligo men are known for their fine characters so I'm not casting shade on that fine and beautiful county. It was an example just to illustrate a routine. This routine is one of the chief practices that criminals have and one to be always vigilant for - that of the incrimination of associates. It is an important method in shirking justice and establishing a racket.

An obvious example can be found with the transformation in the education of children as they progress through maturation. There has always been a seam of the utilisation of children for adult roles within society but they were considered abusive or primitive, particularly after the reforms of the C19th. Take for example the use of child soldiers or that of child labour in mines.

With these reforms children were viewed as a separate category to the adult and as unprepared for the loading associated with full maturity. Perhaps a general guide to how children were to be treated can be described with the word should.

Children should:
  • wait
  • eat their dinner
  • play outside
  • say please and thank you
  • wash their hands
  • clean their teeth
  • tidy their room
  • be nice
  • not lie
  • not throw tantrums
  • do their homework
  • not climb on the neighbour's roof
  • be in by dark
Adults should be good guardians and nurturers of them rather than treat them as productive assets or useful accessories.

We have the strange predicament where children are now being utilised as agents in a culture war. For example, Canada now suggests that minors can present themselves for the cull. Given the delicacy of the pre-adult mind (something that formed the substance of one of the preeminent schools of psychology in the C20th) it is appalling that such a program be presented. It should excite immediate steps to ensure its rejection and yet it drifts into medical practice. This also goes for the hormonal interventions in puberty and the cosmetic amputations of youths. What can explain this?

There has been a normal shifting of categories with the increase in wealth and knowledge across the world. A greater availability of energy has enabled people to broader their orbits of operation and cultivate talents that previously would have been confined by material circumstance. It has enabled competition with moribund elites.

The Liberal dividend (in the Classical sense of equality before the law, the right to private space, and freedom of opportunity) has generated prosperity through rapid learning, the more efficient distribution of talent, increased mobility, on the merits justice, freedom of exchange and a greater range of activity. It was inevitable that there would be natural category shifts from a previously impoverished world so it's a phenomenon we should expect. However, this phenomenon also presented an opportunity for criminal exploitation. While we have a greater range (presently) there is still an indisputable natural substrate whose substance we must tap to avoid the cacophonies of artifice.

'And we seem to have a certain affinity with tunes and rhythms; owing to which many wise men say either that the soul is a harmony or that it has harmony.'


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Sep 25, 2023
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'Humorists are often seen as insignificant contributors of society. People consider humorists no more than just “entertainers”, willing to make fun of anything in order to make a crowd laugh, however, has the audience ever contemplated why humorists are the some of the only people who are allowed to critique anything that crosses their mind without consequences? Alain de Botton, claims the vital role of humorist is, “to convey with impunity messages that might be dangerous or impossible to state directly.” I agree with Alain de Botton’s claims, that humorists do hold an important role in society, which is far more than to entertain. They break the ice on delicate topics, communicating the messages to society. '

This brings us neatly into the social necessity of the watershed, and the segregation of publication in the public square.

To illustrate this let's turn first to content that would be considered to adult (consisting of upsetting material to juvenile or more vulnerable population sets). I've added it under the spoiler rubric given its distasteful content, one would be well advised to avoid it - given it is merely offered as an example and is not the central argument of the post. It's something one might find in the unsavoury corners of the internet, and is inappropriate for general viewing.

Reuters: Heads of the corporate media mandate a new look to their late night shows, an inside source has revealed.

"K-suite has approved a new format for its top personalities - Late Night Comedy is going Big Titty! Colbert is thrilled about the transformation and is deep in post-op visualisation, Kimmel can finally use his private collection of brave and fabulous pertinences, Meyers can't wait to bring rubber and urine to his show, while Fallon will revise his role as 'barely cis' (O'Brien had to retire because he was too butch). This will totally shake the industry up, and totally rock the audience numbers! It's soooo exciting and I'm sooooo jealous."

Planning photos have surfaced.



Meanwhile, it's rumoured, that this has sparked debate in the industry about the social impacts of unfair comparison.

General viewing is a standard by which every society has to measure decency, with decency meaning the provision of a benign environment for the young to mature, and those with vulnerabilities not to feel particularly targeted for scapegoating or exploitation. It is the instantiation - by customary rule - of the virtues that are common to all the great world ethical systems.

There is difference in capacity - physical, intellectual and vocational - that must be acknowledged so as not to disconnect the nature of the world from culture, thus making it illusory, but there are appropriate forms, conscient with the whole, established through successful historical iterations, that do not intimidate to manifest, enabling a general reassurance. Thus social value is a valuable phenomenon. However, false claims to it through browbeating - physical or verbal - should receive the opprobrium appropriate to the fraud or bully. True value is self-evident to the untwisted observer.

The young have a natural track to maturity which should not be interfered with, especially by those who wish to profit from them. There has always been an element in the natural world of the consumption of the young, in civil society this can and must be prohibited since the interest is to facilitate the attainment of their full human potential.

Thus, they should follow the course of their maturation, as enshrined in their material dasein, before they can decide to make any alterations to it. There is a range of proclivity that should be accommodated, but these should not be artificially maintained. Predators should be preyed upon - ruthlessly. Especially those who would maim the young - spiritually, corporeally or psychologically - to make them their fettered serfs.

This is a wisely directed society - the safe working load of everyone within that society should not be exceeded within the shared public space. However, there are loads that are greater than this that must be, necessarily, handled if the culture is not to fracture under the weight of the full challenge of reality.

This is why there is a compartmentalisation of spaces that only the qualified should participate in. Here, standing and breadth of implication, as well as specific expertise, determines qualification for the normally functioning adult member of a society to the particular issue at hand. A citizen abrogates their duty if they do not participate in issues that threaten the society as a whole, or brings injustice on particular members of it. The civic space should be restricted to the citizen for example - there may be additions of information from other sources but the deliberative capacity rests with them. Similarly, themes of an adult nature should be restricted to adults. Spaces particular to the sexes to each of them. Topics of a violent nature to those fitted to review them with impassive competence etc.

If a person is not, or does not feel, capable to handle one of these spheres then they should be able to opt out of it. They can, and perhaps should, conduct a period of instruction which innures them to anxiety, and gives them a lucid basis for participation but, if they are not of the minimum grade specific to participate, then their inclusion only causes i) a depletion of necessary attention and resources, (ii unneccessary and unproductive personal trauma, and (iii the lackey problem.

It should be safe for anyone to walk the streets - particularly in daytime - without encountering intimidation or lewdity. That is the reason for the watershed - the watershed does not exist as a factional device. The Overton window is a sorting mechanism for discredited information (like flat earthism), not as a screen behind which interest is formented free from contestation. Furthermore, there are open forums where any and all topics may be opened to debate such as in a university. These topics may not be suitable for secondary school instruction, however, and may then be, rightly, prohibited from discussion.

It is an obscenity to introduce pornography to schools as part of the cirriculum. The motion of parents to prohibit it is therefore entirely justified - given their standing and the scope of its impact. Furthermore, its presence indicates a failure in the formation and exercise of those entrusted with the educative trust. The principal and staff of a school hold their authority from the proxies provided by the parents - they must be obediant to them.

That which is said in the comedy club may be proper to it but may not be proper to primetime television. Nonetheless, within that space, the bounds are unfettered. It is up to each adult person to conserve their own moral integrity - no one else can do it for them - however this moral freedom does not extend over the right to interfere in the moral integrity of another, especially when that other is either vulnerable by age or circumstance to the imprinting of some fetish.

The private space is a compartment not subject to the rules of the public space. To seek to overreach into using justifications proper to the public space is a hallmark of a malicious actor seeking to isolate and disrupt the clarity of those they wish to misuse. It is a parody of a wisely directed society. Indeed, the reason why comedy has its potency is that, ultimately, wicked conditions, and the wicked themselves, are farcical.

If the compartments of a people are dismantled, and the public spaces overran, then the society, to which they ally, risks sinking into hubris, ignominy and servility.

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