US Politics.


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Sep 11, 2021
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Now this is the crux of the matter, How is Joe to be got rid of? If he won't walk voluntarily then what mechanism is there for a heave?
He can be heaved out of the White House easily, but he can not be heaved out of the nomination at all unless he leaves himself.

And they dont have the balls to-oust him as president


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Sep 11, 2021
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The 25th Amendment can be used to remove Biden from the WH.
Obviously only Big Mike would have the balls.


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Aug 11, 2023
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When it comes to US politics everything we thought might be beyond imagination turns out to be perfectly possible after all.
you have made the first comment which points the way .
a long time ago all the ingredients were assembled for the cake .
4 presidents ago Ukraine was set up with a full time Jewish manager called Victoria nuland who slowly familiarized herself with all the main players such as the top officials in each government department and the police and the army in order to distribute properly the admitted 5 BILLION BRIBE USED TO BUY UKRAINE.
Donald trump was the only president who fired her and she returned under Biden .
the Biden family were encouraged to move to Ukraine pre the coup with promises to meet and greet the elite of the Ukraine as vice president who the elite of Ukraine were told when the coup takes place you will be on first name terms with the president of the USA .
the entire Biden family took up residence in Ukraine even though Joe was vice president of the USA -- uncles aunts every cat and dog everyone who could sign their name on documents written in soviet lettering which only their dog could guess what they were signing .
hunter Biden for example became a director of Burisma a mining co and he admitted he did not interrupt his career as a full time crack addict for 3 seconds to find out anything about mining -
-the mining co valued the crack addicts advice as worth 80,000 dollars per month --and so on and so forth each deal was then advised to the Ukrainians as it must include 10% for the ""big guy "".
the Biden family were then owned by the Jewish mafia who transported them to the honey jar to gorge themselves and filmed them and recorded them and allowed Joe Biden as president of the USA to publicly roar and shout and dismiss the Ukrainian director of public prosecutions as he was investigating Biden corruption -- and mad with power Biden without a brain cell in his head went on USA networks and said """ i told them they would not get the USA billions unless they fired the guy now this instant and by god they did "".
this moron thought this showed he had balls and could kick ass but every lawyer and judge in the world reacted with horror at the law of the jungle on display .
the plan for Gaza was part of this they had to do Gaza in the last quarter of joes presidency and they purchased that right from Joe and part of the deal was America would become full partners in the genocide and supply all the weapons to exterminate the Palestinians and pay the wages of the Israeli army while doing so -- as in previous wars the involvement of the most powerful country on earth would guarantee no EFFECTIVE prosecution in any court and no boycott of Israel would be possible .
this boycott has incredibly been achieved by some of the poorest people on earth the inc readable brave and moral Houtis who have stopped all shipping to Israel .
we do not think on this scale of evil because this scale of evil is never allowed to be debated and therefore it only appears in the conscious mind of those on a site like this which rejects the 97% control of the jewish mafia who fill our screens with well paid bastards who tell us anyone who suspects the truth is a conspiracy nutter /theorist .
as a guide they anylised speech before and after the death of JFK AND THE EXPRESSION CONSPIRACY THEORIST WAS ONLY USED AFTER HIS DEATH.
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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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I don't read Auld Lad's posts at all. It's is just too much work. Mowl used to do the same. Give ya 30 pages and criticise ya when you failed to remember one line.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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I don't read Auld Lad's posts at all. It's is just too much work. Mowl used to do the same. Give ya 30 pages and criticise ya when you failed to remember one line.
no need to be nervous val just take it slowly one line at a time and before long you will be at the end of the page --this one is a half page and not literature but you will manage fine if you give yourself a chance .
then comes the nasty bit you will have to read a few more pages to reply -- maybe you are right if you tell the world you are not going to read it there is no need to reply -- true wisdom in action.


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Mar 10, 2023
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you have made the first comment which points the way .
a long time ago all the ingredients were assembled for the cake .
4 presidents ago Ukraine was set up with a full time Jewish manager called Victoria nuland who slowly familiarized herself with all the main players such as the top officials in each government department and the police and the army in order to distribute properly the admitted 5 BILLION BRIBE USED TO BUY UKRAINE.
Donald trump was the only president who fired her and she returned under Biden .
the Biden family were encouraged to move to Ukraine pre the coup with promises to meet and greet the elite of the Ukraine as vice president who the elite of Ukraine were told when the coup takes place you will be on first name terms with the president of the USA .
the entire Biden family took up residence in Ukraine even though Joe was vice president of the USA -- uncles aunts every cat and dog everyone who could sign their name on documents written in soviet lettering which only their dog could guess what they were signing .
hunter Biden for example became a director of Burisma a mining co and he admitted he did not interrupt his career as a full time crack addict for 3 seconds to find out anything about mining -
-the mining co valued the crack addicts advice as worth 80,000 dollars per month --and so on and so forth each deal was then advised to the Ukrainians as it must include 10% for the ""big guy "".
the Biden family were then owned by the Jewish mafia who transported them to the honey jar to gorge themselves and filmed them and recorded them and allowed Joe Biden as president of the USA to publicly roar and shout and dismiss the Ukrainian director of public prosecutions as he was investigating Biden corruption -- and mad with power Biden without a brain cell in his head went on USA networks and said """ i told them they would not get the USA billions unless they fired the guy now this instant and by god they did "".
this moron thought this showed he had balls and could kick ass but every lawyer and judge in the world reacted with horror at the law of the jungle on display .
the plan for Gaza was part of this they had to do Gaza in the last quarter of joes presidency and they purchased that right from Joe and part of the deal was America would become full partners in the genocide and supply all the weapons to exterminate the Palestinians and pay the wages of the Israeli army while doing so -- as in previous wars the involvement of the most powerful country on earth would guarantee no EFFECTIVE prosecution in any court and no boycott of Israel would be possible .
this boycott has incredibly been achieved by some of the poorest people on earth the inc readable brave and moral Houtis who have stopped all shipping to Israel .
we do not think on this scale of evil because this scale of evil is never allowed to be debated and therefore it only appears in the conscious mind of those on a site like this which rejects the 97% control of the jewish mafia who fill our screens with well paid bastards who tell us anyone who suspects the truth is a conspiracy nutter /theorist .
as a guide they anylised speech before and after the death of JFK AND THE EXPRESSION CONSPIRACY THEORIST WAS ONLY USED AFTER HIS DEATH.
You get to know what @Myles O'Reilly meant with these TL:DR text walls.

Something something...The Jews... something something


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Top Poster Of Month
Sep 11, 2021
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you have made the first comment which points the way .
a long time ago all the ingredients were assembled for the cake .
4 presidents ago Ukraine was set up with a full time Jewish manager called Victoria nuland who slowly familiarized herself with all the main players such as the top officials in each government department and the police and the army in order to distribute properly the admitted 5 BILLION BRIBE USED TO BUY UKRAINE.
Donald trump was the only president who fired her and she returned under Biden .
the Biden family were encouraged to move to Ukraine pre the coup with promises to meet and greet the elite of the Ukraine as vice president who the elite of Ukraine were told when the coup takes place you will be on first name terms with the president of the USA .
the entire Biden family took up residence in Ukraine even though Joe was vice president of the USA -- uncles aunts every cat and dog everyone who could sign their name on documents written in soviet lettering which only their dog could guess what they were signing .
hunter Biden for example became a director of Burisma a mining co and he admitted he did not interrupt his career as a full time crack addict for 3 seconds to find out anything about mining -
-the mining co valued the crack addicts advice as worth 80,000 dollars per month --and so on and so forth each deal was then advised to the Ukrainians as it must include 10% for the ""big guy "".
the Biden family were then owned by the Jewish mafia who transported them to the honey jar to gorge themselves and filmed them and recorded them and allowed Joe Biden as president of the USA to publicly roar and shout and dismiss the Ukrainian director of public prosecutions as he was investigating Biden corruption -- and mad with power Biden without a brain cell in his head went on USA networks and said """ i told them they would not get the USA billions unless they fired the guy now this instant and by god they did "".
this moron thought this showed he had balls and could kick ass but every lawyer and judge in the world reacted with horror at the law of the jungle on display .
the plan for Gaza was part of this they had to do Gaza in the last quarter of joes presidency and they purchased that right from Joe and part of the deal was America would become full partners in the genocide and supply all the weapons to exterminate the Palestinians and pay the wages of the Israeli army while doing so -- as in previous wars the involvement of the most powerful country on earth would guarantee no EFFECTIVE prosecution in any court and no boycott of Israel would be possible .
this boycott has incredibly been achieved by some of the poorest people on earth the inc readable brave and moral Houtis who have stopped all shipping to Israel .
we do not think on this scale of evil because this scale of evil is never allowed to be debated and therefore it only appears in the conscious mind of those on a site like this which rejects the 97% control of the jewish mafia who fill our screens with well paid bastards who tell us anyone who suspects the truth is a conspiracy nutter /theorist .
as a guide they anylised speech before and after the death of JFK AND THE EXPRESSION CONSPIRACY THEORIST WAS ONLY USED AFTER HIS DEATH.
Great stuff. You maybe should have a blog section here where you could just delete rubbish distracting posts, which are the bain of nearly all chat sites.


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Jun 14, 2023
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