US Politics.

Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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When Trump was talking Biden was making some crazed looking faces! Sometimes he looked like he was in some kind of trance, just staring into space. His eyes looked nuts!


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Moment's of lucidity.
" WTF am I doing here with him?^
when i listen to pelosi especially and Biden they exhibit a messianic almost religious zeal for the imaginary democrat talking points .
re Trump
the invention of 34 offenses in his recent court case was the corrupt listing of the same charge 34 times by the utterly corrupt judge and now disgraced merric garland attorney general and now outed bribe taker re this case with trump in order that the gullible in America would believe he committed 34 offenses and was found guilty of each one .
Hillary Clinton was another nutcase who was outed funding the steel report from her own resources to hide the fact she was the author of these lies which cost the USA 100 million to find they were lies.
America is run by freak-shows on legs -
-i cannot get over the spineless people in every state who are told the truth but are unable to do anything about it -
-they seem childlike in their acceptance of evil --it is much too much to actually do anything to change it .
they are teetering on financial disaster and about to start a world war all under the direction of a man in the middle east who when he last called the USA congress gave him a disgusting humiliating disgraceful 55 STANDING OVATIONS -
-you could not get prisoners to do it -
- mental patients would not do it children would not do it -- no foreign government or foreign people would do it --it was appalling to watch people shitting and clapping at the same time .
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Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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Any country that was in awe and fear of America will have watched that debate and realised that they are up against a system of evil that has totally usurped democracy and happily uses octogenarians to front its operation. Whether that will fill them with hope or despondency is a matter to be settled in their own minds over the coming days, but at the end of the day America has been revealed as something far from its carefully managed public image.


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Any country that was in awe and fear of America will have watched that debate and realised that they are up against a system of evil that has totally usurped democracy and happily uses octogenarians to front its operation. Whether that will fill them with hope or despondency is a matter to be settled in their own minds over the coming days, but at the end of the day America has been revealed as something far from its carefully managed public image.
It managed theatre.
Everything is geared towards a TV audience.
It's been the way expecially since the Kennedy Nixon debate in 1960 .
That filtered into every aspect of public life.
Then you have the money and corruption.
Telegenic psychopaths and imbeciles front the retard kabuki theater.
Because it looks good on TV.
It's the people off stage you need to look at.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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It managed theatre.
Everything is geared towards a TV audience.
It's been the way expecially since the Kennedy Nixon debate in 1960 .
That filtered into every aspect of public life.
Then you have the money and corruption.
Telegenic psychopaths and imbeciles front the retard kabuki theater.
Because it looks good on TV.
It's the people off stage you need to look at.
the American people will not come to terms with the fact that if you have integrity and a brain the Jewish mafia who occupy America today they will put a bullet into that brain and have a smiling and relaxed Jewish photographer with his cine camera showing the brain shot was from the front but the Jewish media all agree he was shot from behind .
all the Jewish media make it look like they did a forensic job on JACOB RUBINSTEIN who shot Lee Harvey Oswald and say everything except the facts starting with his real name and he worked for Myer Lanskey the Jewish mafia boss who Robert Kennedy personally interviewed re his brothers death .
No mention is allowed of the Israeli prime minister who resigned his office to deal on a full time basis with the biggest problem Israel faced --THE REFUSAL OF JFK TO ALLOW THEM THE BOMB .
he resumed his office when Kennedy died --problem solved.
they have somehow banished Americans from America --there seems to be only a half dozen true patriots left in the 300 million ish population .


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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Trump looked as if he could run the country while Biden looked like senile. I reckon they will dump him soon. It is being talked about...

Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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the American people will not come to terms with the fact that if you have integrity and a brain the Jewish mafia who occupy America today they will put a bullet into that brain and have a smiling and relaxed Jewish photographer with his cine camera showing the brain shot was from the front but the Jewish media all agree he was shot from behind .
all the Jewish media make it look like they did a forensic job on JACOB RUBINSTEIN who shot Lee Harvey Oswald and say everything except the facts starting with his real name and he worked for Myer Lanskey the Jewish mafia boss who Robert Kennedy personally interviewed re his brothers death .
No mention is allowed of the Israeli prime minister who resigned his office to deal on a full time basis with the biggest problem Israel faced --THE REFUSAL OF JFK TO ALLOW THEM THE BOMB .
he resumed his office when Kennedy died --problem solved.
they have somehow banished Americans from America --there seems to be only a half dozen true patriots left in the 300 million ish population .
Thomas Massie is one of only a handful of Republican politicians who won't take AIPAC money and recently explained on Tucker Carslon's show how all the rest of them have their own AIPAC handler who tells them what to do.

His middle-aged wife, they were childhood sweethearts, died suddenly this week..



Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Thomas Massie is one of only a handful of Republican politicians who won't take AIPAC money and recently explained on Tucker Carslon's show how all the rest of them have their own AIPAC handler who tells them what to do.

His middle-aged wife, they were childhood sweethearts, died suddenly this week..

he is a lovely man who tells the truth and who is off grid in a desolate location and makes a go of it --i heard the lengthy interview with tucker and he struck up a great rapport with tucker and it was truly terrifying to learn that the only congressional district that AIPAC did not have a branch office to MANAGE/ CONTROL FULLY the congress man or woman was his congressional district -- he was the ONLY true American congress man i heard interviewed in a long time .
god rest his wife .
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Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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James Traficant was another one of that very, very rare breed of US Congressmen who called out AIPAC, saying:

I believe that Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They control both members of the House, the House and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest.

Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison.

He blamed AIPAC for fitting him up to go to prison, and later died in an alleged accident alone on his farm:



Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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James Traficant was another one of that very, very rare breed of US Congressmen who called out AIPAC, saying:

I believe that Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They control both members of the House, the House and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest.

Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison.

He blamed AIPAC for fitting him up to go to prison, and later died in an alleged accident alone on his farm:

Obviously the American Deep-State / Dark-State is happy with its arrangements.

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