The Boycott


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Jan 11, 2023
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A national campaign is being organised to target hoteliers, guest houses, etc who are taking the Soros Shilling and destroying our country by stuffing their premises full of fake refugees. When I say target I mean financially and not personally, unless you want to pass by these goons and their septic tiger wives without looking at them or refusing them service in your own business. This Boycott will be starting in July. Any ideas as to what this campaign should be called and what other businesses can be boycotted.

Its the least these people deserve. They will be named and shamed and every single person who will be listed on the boycott will have to explain themselves to their grandchildren some day.

Over to you......
This Boycott needs to be sponsored by Maguire and Patterson :



Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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But wait a mo . . . Haven't we seen that play out on O'Connell St already.

Surely a Pyrrhic Victory - Certainly for the Collared and others too . . .

“It is not those who can inflict the most but those who can endure the most who will conquer.”​

― Terence Macswiney, Principles of Freedom


Fam Shox

Well-known member
Jun 24, 2022
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The N.B.A. (National Boycott Association) is a 32 county association with its HQ in Athlone. I wanted it to be called U.G.A.N.D.A. (Ugandan Gaels Against National Destruction Association) but was overruled by the native Irish, which is understandable I suppose. Anyway, here are some ideas for you good people to ponder on.

Take the main street on any town in ireland as an example, you hand out flyers to whoever will take them on a Saturday which refers them to the National Website. They click on their county, their town, their area etc. and there they discover who the local traitor is. Let's say for example its a guy called Pikey Really Gay. Let's imagine too that Pikey Really Gay has a brother called Fanny Really Gay. They have your local area sown up. Anyway, on the website is a letter to the Really Gays telling them your intention to stop using their petrol station, corner shop etc, on account of them flooding your area with etc etc etc. You get the drift folks. Also on the website is a generic flyer A5 sized. If you want to print out 200 of these on your own laptop and printer and hand them around your area, then go for it. Imagine what one Tadhg Gaelach could do for this campaign - does anybody know how to reach that mighty man?

The website will name and shame these traitors and they will have to explain themselves to their grandchildren someday. It will also name potential traitors too. I have some very high placed agents among the NGOs and am in possession of information that tptb do not want to be circulated.

This will be a popular boycott, something even the most fluoridated TV addicted paddy might be able to support.

I am also in contact with a famous Irish dancer who is considering throwing his weight behind this. A distinguished former journalist is also interested. Can you good people give me a few ideas?

Idi Amin Dada, lord of all the beasts of the earth and fishes of the sea.


Jun 25, 2024
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The other debate is TEN WEEKS away
I watched the few clips, one where he slowly shuffled off the stage led by the nanny, 'Dr' Jill. One shouldn't make fun of the afflicted - but in this case I'll make an exception.
Ten weeks is a looong time in politics - they'll have him replaced with French Laundry demon Gavin Newsom by then. The whole world saw.
No way this wreck will make it til the autumn.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2023
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I watched the few clips, one where he slowly shuffled off the stage led by the nanny, 'Dr' Jill. One shouldn't make fun of the afflicted - but in this case I'll make an exception.
Ten weeks is a looong time in politics - they'll have him replaced with French Laundry demon Gavin Newsom by then. The whole world saw.
No way this wreck will make it til the autumn.
I reckon that's been the plan all along.
They knew the old cunt wouldn't be fit for the job so they'll try to be seen as doing the right thing by parachuting Newsom in and allowing pedo joe ride off into the sunset....

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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I reckon that's been the plan all along.
They knew the old cunt wouldn't be fit for the job so they'll try to be seen as doing the right thing by parachuting Newsom in and allowing pedo joe ride off into the sunset....
Yep, little happens by chance and this will be choreographed to the final wave farewell.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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I reckon that's been the plan all along.
They knew the old cunt wouldn't be fit for the job so they'll try to be seen as doing the right thing by parachuting Newsom in and allowing pedo joe ride off into the sunset....
Newsom will be gung ho for war in The Ukraine. The people there will notice a sudden spike in the amount of defection in the streets of their cities as the US troops arrive.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2023
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The N.B.A. (National Boycott Association) is a 32 county association with its HQ in Athlone. I wanted it to be called U.G.A.N.D.A. (Ugandan Gaels Against National Destruction Association) but was overruled by the native Irish, which is understandable I suppose. Anyway, here are some ideas for you good people to ponder on.

Take the main street on any town in ireland as an example, you hand out flyers to whoever will take them on a Saturday which refers them to the National Website. They click on their county, their town, their area etc. and there they discover who the local traitor is. Let's say for example its a guy called Pikey Really Gay. Let's imagine too that Pikey Really Gay has a brother called Fanny Really Gay. They have your local area sown up. Anyway, on the website is a letter to the Really Gays telling them your intention to stop using their petrol station, corner shop etc, on account of them flooding your area with etc etc etc. You get the drift folks. Also on the website is a generic flyer A5 sized. If you want to print out 200 of these on your own laptop and printer and hand them around your area, then go for it. Imagine what one Tadhg Gaelach could do for this campaign - does anybody know how to reach that mighty man?

The website will name and shame these traitors and they will have to explain themselves to their grandchildren someday. It will also name potential traitors too. I have some very high placed agents among the NGOs and am in possession of information that tptb do not want to be circulated.

This will be a popular boycott, something even the most fluoridated TV addicted paddy might be able to support.

I am also in contact with a famous Irish dancer who is considering throwing his weight behind this. A distinguished former journalist is also interested. Can you good people give me a few ideas?

Idi Amin Dada, lord of all the beasts of the earth and fishes of the sea.
Where do we download the fliers from?

Fam Shox

Well-known member
Jun 24, 2022
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The flip side of the boycott would be to only do commerse with members of “the clan” in cash
Yes, this isn't my baby though, I was contacted because of years in printing business, guys wanted prices for tens of thousands of fliers. I said it's free. They said how, I said u get the grassroots to print them off at home. If you get a dozen people in a planted area to print off 100 A4 pages each, 2 sided A5 - that's 2400 fliers straight away, there wil be a generic flier on the site which you add the local plantation profiteers businesses on. Simple is beautiful. This would have to be checked by whoever is in charge nationally to make sure no legit business is named etc. So at least there is movement. Any ideas for flier content welcome, bullet points etc, cheers idi. On another note, fucken epic win for galway yesterday. Mighty bunch of men.

Fam Shox

Well-known member
Jun 24, 2022
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There will be a boycott against RTE too, and every business that the politicians in leinster house own. Time to make these fuckers pay - literally. Especially the ones who profited from the vaccines. There is one lady politician, an eternal enemy of my great friend Sham Fox, who runs a pharmacy in south Dublin that will be made pay for all she's profited from killing and injuring our people.

I would hate to have Sham and her buxom buddies on my case. This particular pharmacist is toast.

Fam Shox

Well-known member
Jun 24, 2022
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Keep us all posted. I will flyer and sticker here in Kerry.
Fair ball Willow. Pikey Really Gay will most definitely be boycotted. Am heading to Indonesia for three weeks mid July, hopefully something done by then, the lad I was dealing with is a very able lad and a sound fella too, and good craic, so I'm sure he/they can make some kind of impact, I think most of his time now is devoted to getting the website right. Anyway, thanks aulstock.

Fam Shox

Well-known member
Jun 24, 2022
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Keep us all posted. I will flyer and sticker here in Kerry.
Sham made a promise to Dub4 on the old site that she would end the pharmacist/politician/vaccine profiteer's career.

Does anyone know what happened to Dub4, an able guy with loads of good contacts, he be good on something like this.


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Top Poster Of Month
Sep 11, 2021
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Yes, this isn't my baby though, I was contacted because of years in printing business, guys wanted prices for tens of thousands of fliers. I said it's free. They said how, I said u get the grassroots to print them off at home. If you get a dozen people in a planted area to print off 100 A4 pages each, 2 sided A5 - that's 2400 fliers straight away, there wil be a generic flier on the site which you add the local plantation profiteers businesses on. Simple is beautiful. This would have to be checked by whoever is in charge nationally to make sure no legit business is named etc. So at least there is movement. Any ideas for flier content welcome, bullet points etc, cheers idi. On another note, fucken epic win for galway yesterday. Mighty bunch of men.
i have a large bet on for the double and the am not talking hurling.


Staff member
Top Poster Of Month
Sep 11, 2021
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Fair ball Willow. Pikey Really Gay will most definitely be boycotted. Am heading to Indonesia for three weeks mid July, hopefully something done by then, the lad I was dealing with is a very able lad and a sound fella too, and good craic, so I'm sure he/they can make some kind of impact, I think most of his time now is devoted to getting the website right. Anyway, thanks aulstock.
Would this lad agree to do an interview with me because it could be a good conversation

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