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🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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Hamas would string them up from a lamppost in an instant.
Indeed, I do not understand why so many gay groups are standing for Palestine when those same Palestinians wouldn't think twice about stringing them up.


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Indeed, I do not understand why so many gay groups are standing for Palestine when those same Palestinians wouldn't think twice about stringing them up.
Faggots have always been a bit confused about things, it's why they demand a full month or more every year where they demand that normal people validate their existence.
Tranny lesbians are as bad and these and the above make up the greatest percentage of craw thumpers whining about the poor muzzies in Gaza.
One would think their parents would educate them better.
'Interesting', eh?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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Glad to see abuse of the custom title is over.

Will baseless accusations of pedophilelia be next?

You did not answer the question. You will never answer the question so I will answer it for you.

You want a total of 5 million migrants on the Island as a whole over 4 years. There will be free movement so they can all come to the republic as a choice. The impact of is immaterial to you, its the principle that counts. You suffer from and inferiority complex and believe you will never have a stake in our society so you begrudge a life to the rest of us who are successful.


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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You did not answer the question. You will never answer the question so I will answer it for you.

You want a total of 5 million migrants on the Island as a whole over 4 years. There will be free movement so they can all come to the republic as a choice. The impact of is immaterial to you, its the principle that counts. You suffer from and inferiority complex and believe you will never have a stake in our society so you begrudge a life to the rest of us who are successful.
How many times need I tell you? That goon IS NOT Irish and DOES NOT live in Europe.
WTF is wrong with ye lads.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2024
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You did not answer the question. You will never answer the question so I will answer it for you.

You want a total of 5 million migrants on the Island as a whole over 4 years. There will be free movement so they can all come to the republic as a choice. The impact of is immaterial to you, its the principle that counts. You suffer from and inferiority complex and believe you will never have a stake in our society so you begrudge a life to the rest of us who are successful.
What question, Val?

I've already stated my opinion about immigration on this forum. It's the opposite of what you say.

"I've said it before, we should have controlled immigration, points system etc.

There is no doubt we need to look after asylum seekers. But they need to be real asylum seekers, not economic migrants. And they need electronic visas so we know where they came from even if they destroy documentation on landing.

And then there's the Ukrainians, who I'm glad we have been able to help in a time of need. Ireland has relied on other countries in the past to help us when we have had to send our people away due to tragedy, caused by a larger colonising power."

A points system is needed for non-EU immigrants.

As for EU immigrants we can use rules that the EU actually provides but we have not chosen to use.

  • EU citizens can live in another EU country for up to three months without any requirements other than holding a valid identity card or passport.
  • In order to stay in another EU country for more than three months, EU citizens have to meet certain conditions depending on their status (for example worker, self-employed, student, etc.) and may be asked to comply with administrative formalities.
Sweden enforces for example.
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free and clean

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2023
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To celebrate my emancipation, I think it's time for an old classic...

... The absolute state of Irish shitlibs

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Hamas would string them up from a lamppost in an instant. This is common knowledge if she bothered to find out.
Would you support the deportation of Muslims from Ireland given that the vast majority of them are hostile toward homosexuals Sir?

There is no doubt we need to look after asylum seekers. But they need to be real asylum seekers, not economic migrants. And they need electronic visas so we know where they came from even if they destroy documentation on landing.
What if a large amount of them are Muslim males, most of whose views on women, gays and trannies are much less tolerant than what we have here?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2024
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What if a large amount of them are Muslim males,
But are they in reality?

In short, no, we should not be accepting those who don't follow our values or can't respect our laws. Also what are they seeking asylum from?


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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At last you're talking a bit of sense Kangal. I do hope you keep it up Sir.
It's not Irish. What it knows about Ireland it finds out on Twatter with a bit of Google thrown in for good measure.👍

free and clean

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2023
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Did anyone catch the Prime Time "debate" last night? The "debate" consisting of all the participants agreeing with each other.

Brute Smith of Profit before People revealed herself as a Thatcherite, arguing passionately that we need asylum shoppers to boost d'economy. She also claimed immigrants run the hospitality industry. That's Brute Smith, proud socialist.

Some Social Democrat dope with a D4 accent was worried that asylum shoppers would be held in "detention centres".

Aodhán O Riordan did his best to out virtue signal the others.

Even those on the "right" lol, Regina Doherty and Andrews, were keen to stress their support for asylum shopping going forward.

Failed Newstalk presenter, Sarah McInerney, was in attack mode, laying into Doherty for Fine Gael's tough stance on immigration (try not to laugh).

The one candidate who is even mildly skeptical of immigration, Niall Boylan, was left out of the debate - despite the fact that he's third favourite to get a seat.

We've had polls in recent weeks that show the vast majority of the population oppose mass immigration. You don't even need polls, just talk to people (as I do every day) and you'll find that almost everyone thinks what's happening in this country - how fast it's changing, the tent cities, and gangs of foreign men everywhere, is utterly insane.

Yet watching that debate last night, there was absolutely no one speaking for these people.

The whole thing was a shitshow, and really symptomatic of just how out of touch these politicians (and RTE) are.

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