Were the French Elections rigged ?


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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I wouldn't be surprised TRBH, just like Trump was robbed of his victory Le Pen I believe was also Robbed.

All part of the NWO.


I wouldn't be surprised TRBH, just like Trump was robbed of his victory Le Pen I believe was also Robbed.

All part of the NWO.
I wouldn't think so, common sense prevailed. I heard some Parisians being interviewed, and some were saying they held their noses and voted for Macron, to keep Le Pen out.

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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I was over In Germany when Turkey won the football. All of a sudden the town was closed down by a slow convoy of ecstatic Turks bellowing and honking and flags flying from everywhere. Some then took to foot and paraded said flags through the streets making one hell of a racket up to about midnight.

All in all it seemed more an expression of power rather than the celebration of a happy event and I was left wondering just how spontaneous this demonstration actually was.

Naturally enough, the police were nowhere to be seen.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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I see the Allah snackbars, soap dodging commies and assorted freaks with their Palestine and faggot flags are currently engaged in a gigantic tantrum after having their arses handed to them.

It just makes the urge to support Le Pen even stronger, doesn't it?
Have you any empathy with the Palestinian people living in Gaza?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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Will national rally increase their share of the vote even more ?
I have to admit that I understood (with no explainer available) that only the top 2 candidates
were in the run off. That is how presidential elections work in France. It seems in Parliamentary elections more than that can run in the 2nd round.


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Aug 11, 2023
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Yes, but Pally flag wavers in the West are generally cunts.
there are two houses in a village 6 miles from me with palestinian flags draped under the windowsill of the top floor windows .
one is a retired teacher in her 70s who does full time voluntary work in the community for a number of groups and she is much loved and due to her personal qualities much of the town are no longer disinterested in Palestine and have seen that if a person of this quality is so disturbed by what is being done to them-it provokes a personal response.
and that they would do what they never did before and publicly give support to others in trouble by the display of the flag in the square --it had a wonderful effect on the whole village and on the locality as the house and the woman are so well known .
young people are used to bland rte and are trained to treat anyone who holds any beliefs as an extremist/terrorist/conspiracy theorist .
this woman takes them on with her simple dignified personal nailing of the flag and her beliefs to a window in the square of a rural Irish town and those who pass through now have their minds occupied by her protest/support for a good 10 minutes after they leave the village .
wonderful stuff --- not a cunt in sight

free and clean

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2023
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there are two houses in a village 6 miles from me with palestinian flags draped under the windowsill of the top floor windows .
one is a retired teacher in her 70s who does full time voluntary work in the community for a number of groups and she is much loved and due to her personal qualities much of the town are no longer disinterested in Palestine and have seen that if a person of this quality is so disturbed by what is being done to them-it provokes a personal response.
and that they would do what they never did before and publicly give support to others in trouble by the display of the flag in the square --it had a wonderful effect on the whole village and on the locality as the house and the woman are so well known .
young people are used to bland rte and are trained to treat anyone who holds any beliefs as an extremist/terrorist/conspiracy theorist .
this woman takes them on with her simple dignified personal nailing of the flag and her beliefs to a window in the square of a rural Irish town and those who pass through now have their minds occupied by her protest/support for a good 10 minutes after they leave the village .
wonderful stuff --- not a cunt in sight
Wow, what a rebel. Flying a Palestinian flag in Ireland. Incredible bravery.

Jay Homer Simpson

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Mar 5, 2023
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I don't want to sound like Gemma O'Doherty but.....In the last couple of years, "The Far Right" have apparently won elections in Italy and The Netherlands but then we never really hear about it again, Remember all the talk about Georgia Meloni of Italy in 2022? Wasn't she going to stop mass immigration and withdraw Italy from the EU if elected? 🙄

Ruck Da Fules!

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Oct 14, 2023
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There's no such thing as a far right in Europe. At least not in any meaningful sense.

There are though hundreds of millions of people opposed to the eradication of their respective cultures and heritage via mass immigration, and the damage to their lives in terms of housing costs, strain on public services, more societal violence and no doubt increasingly more organised crime in their countries that mass immigration brings.

Far right is the label they use to describe us, in the hope it puts off others from joining us.
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