The Climate Change scam

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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I tend to drift towards the idea that you are an insecure pillock who demands that everyone jump to attention when you are out and about, but then again.....

Myles O'Reilly

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Feb 3, 2022
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So did I. Unfortunately David wouldn't explain what it meant when asked.


I beg your pardon?
"Nature" does not feed us anymore, Myles. We stopped being hunter-gatherers 1000s of years ago, and moved to agriculture.
It's great that there may be more trees and greenery than before, its nice to look at for sure, but that stuff doesn't feed the world.

A singular focus on CO2 and photosynthesis misses all the other parts that go into ensuring we have harvests year after year. Adequate rainfall is essential for example. :rolleyes:

We are dependent for only a few crops for the majority of our calories.

So it's great that trees might be growing a big bigger and faster than usual. But you can't eat that you know.
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Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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"Nature" does not feed us anymore, Myles. We stopped being hunter-gatherers 1000s of years ago, and moved to agriculture.
It's great that there may be more trees and greenery than before, its nice to look at for sure, but that stuff doesn't feed the world.

A singular focus on CO2 and photosynthesis misses all the other parts that go into ensuring we have harvests year after year. Adequate rainfall is essential for example. :rolleyes:

We are dependent for only a few crops for the majority of our calories.

So it's great that trees might be growing a big bigger and faster than usual. But you can't eat that you know.
Unfortunately the world is full of idiots like you who pronounce on agriculture, and the worlds food supply in general without a single clue as to what they are on about, but that doesn't stop them lecturing to one and all.

The climate change nutters have been doing nothing but focus on CO2, but when it doesn't suit the narrative then suddenly everyone else is at fault for doing so!

I'll try and make this easy for you. Carbon is the building block of life, we are a carbon based life form, all life on earth is, so there is a carbon cycle.

That carbon cycle has photosynthesis on one side and respiration on the other. Basically, plants take carbon from the air and use sunlight to build sugar, starch, protein etc while animals eat those products, extract the energy and expire carbon back as CO2.

The greater the CO2 concentration the quicker and bigger plants can grow, and that includes crop plants.

But here's a thing, plants have holes in their leaves called stomata. These holes open and close to ventilate the cells with CO2 within, unfortunately, when they do so they let out moisture so a plant will close them when it gets too dry.

The good news is that with a higher CO2 concentration the stomata don't have to stay open for so long and so the plant is less prone to drought stress, meaning it can grow in drier conditions, which is why the world is getting greener.

The overall result is all plants, including crop plants, will grow bigger and quicker resulting in higher yields, and they need less water to do so. It's a win win situation!

Another key to higher yielding crops is a healthy soil and simply throwing NPK at it is not going to help us much in the long term. But understanding how the soil works is a huge subject, the complexity and importance of which we are only just beginning to grasp. A bit of extra CO2 here and there pales into insignificance when compared to this aspect.


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Unfortunately the world is full of idiots like you who pronounce on agriculture, and the worlds food supply in general without a single clue as to what they are on about, but that doesn't stop them lecturing to one and all.

The climate change nutters have been doing nothing but focus on CO2, but when it doesn't suit the narrative then suddenly everyone else is at fault for doing so!

I'll try and make this easy for you. Carbon is the building block of life, we are a carbon based life form, all life on earth is, so there is a carbon cycle.

That carbon cycle has photosynthesis on one side and respiration on the other. Basically, plants take carbon from the air to build sugar, starch, protein etc while animals eat those products, extract the energy and expire carbon back as CO2.

The greater the CO2 concentration the quicker and bigger plants can grow, and that includes crop plants.

But here's a thing, plants have holes in their leaves called stomata. These holes open and close to ventilate the cells with CO2 within, unfortunately, when they do so they let out moisture so a plant will close them when it gets too dry.

The good news is that with a higher CO2 concentration the stomata don't have to stay open for so long and so the plant is less prone to drought stress, meaning it can grow in drier conditions!

The overall result is all plants, including crop plants, will grow bigger and quicker resulting in higher yields, and they need less water to do so. It's a win win situation!

Another key to higher yielding crops is a healthy soil and simply throwing NPK at it is not going to help us much in the long term. But understanding how the soil works is a huge subject, the complexity and importance of which we are only just beginning to grasp. A bit of extra CO2 here and there pales into insignificance when compared to this aspect.
The 'Climate Change' scam is the new current thing for retarded and brainwashed idiots to get excited about.
It follows on from lockdowns, BLM, experimental vaccines, war in Ukraine, war in Gaza etc etc etc.
Whatever is trending on Twatter will be what retarded and brainwashed idiots will be pontificating about.
Funny as fuck when ya take a step back and see the macro view of things but idiots like that are incapable of doing such a thing.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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You seem to have a strong desire to want to deny Muslim rape gangs in Ireland. Can I ask you why? Is it out of a sense of fairness?

Or, I have better question. Do you think that the propensity for the Muslim population to form rape gangs in Britain, trafficking and mass raping vulnerable white kids is not likely to happen here? I would ask you to bear in mind that our treacherous government and fake news media is as likely to cover it up as they are in Britain (thus enabling it).

Are "Irish" Muslims special? 🤔
Tusla themselves admitted its happening. They were careful not to use the word Muslim but said 'we need to have a grown up discussion about who's doing this'. In other words not be afraid of being called racist like the authorities in the UK were.

Gript covered it in an article which I provided to Buddy Love but he seems to have forgotten.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Very very Scary Town
You seem to have a strong desire to want to deny Muslim rape gangs in Ireland.
Ah, you've decided to give me MylesX2. I've replied extensively to him out of courtesy for us all to understand whats happening so you can go over my posts in the last 10+ pages and see that I'll ask you the same.

What have you Got?

Or, I have better question. Do you think that the propensity for the Muslim population to form rape gangs in Britain, trafficking and mass raping vulnerable white kids is not likely to happen here?
I think it could be happening here, that's why I ask folk to show us some evidence, Myles and the Tomster should have more to show on the subject but perhaps since TR,SYL has made a big show of that particular Muslim culture in England then that has alerted and highlighted any Muslim gangs as suspect Pedo's and consequently they have changed their MO and are doing other things.

Our local men of Ireland are now so highly vigilant on the subject as are staff in care homes that if there was stuff going on, the Muslim perps would stand out like a sore thumb imo.

Are "Irish" Muslims special?
The are what they are, some are bad, most are good within Ireland - So far . . .

So updates please? We don't need RTE, Tusla or any other PC damage limitation body to inform us. . .

We need victims who are telling their story, we need staff at care homes who listen to those stories, staff who have been following the moves, we need people who know what's goiung on first hand to contact TRSYL, Myles, Yourself and anyone of the 1000's of men & women in this country who will do something about it.

Is that OK for you. It's your responsibility!!

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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The 'Climate Change' scam is the new current thing for retarded and brainwashed idiots to get excited about.
It follows on from lockdowns, BLM, experimental vaccines, war in Ukraine, war in Gaza etc etc etc.
Whatever is trending on Twatter will be what retarded and brainwashed idiots will be pontificating about.
Funny as fuck when ya take a step back and see the macro view of things but idiots like that are incapable of doing such a thing.
Farming has always suffered blithering idiots who think they know how to farm better than farmers themselves, as a general rule they could hardly grow a tray of cress seed, but hey, after a quick google of farms and stuff they know it all.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Very very Scary Town
It's not my responsibility.. but why on Earth would you think that the Regime here would do anything about Muslims raping Irish girls?
Well now, You saw the reaction when a few foreigners got attacked outside an Irish school?
Irish men went crazy up and down the centre of town . . .

Now Imagine the reaction of Irish men like Yourself, Myles and TR-SYL and all the supporters and all the other people who are vigilantly waiting for any sign of noncing??

The towns will be set alight as will these messages boards so . . .

Expect measures have been put in place by various Authorities to ensure rape gangs do not proliferate.

Can you understand that?


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Very very Scary Town
Yeah I did.. by the government. Far right this and far right that..

You don't seem to understand how this works. The Muz can rape vulnerable white girls with impunity in Britain. Why do you think Ireland would be any different?
All you need is one witnessed report and some follow-up, Ask @Myles O'Reilly & Tomster - Where is it?

Can you imagine the fuss that will be kicked up to justifiably further your causes? So . . .

It's gold for the taking, you tell me it's out there . . .

Where is it?

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Farming has always suffered blithering idiots who think they know how to farm better than farmers themselves, as a general rule they could hardly grow a tray of cress seed, but hey, after a quick google of farms and stuff they know it all.
When the Land Commission originally set out allocating land it quickly became apparent that their evenhanded notions of giving everyone a wee farm wasn't working. Half the lads who got land hadn't a clue what to do with it and it was fit for nothing in a short time.

They changed it so you had to prove you were able to farm before you got anything a'tall.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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When the Land Commission originally set out allocating land it quickly became apparent that their evenhanded notions of giving everyone a wee farm wasn't working. Half the lads who got land hadn't a clue what to do with it and it was fit for nothing in a short time.

They changed it so you had to prove you were able to farm before you got anything a'tall.
The concept is still around today in that there are tax breaks for those inheriting land who have taken a level six or above, course in agri/horticulture. Well, that's a simple overview, with the Revenue being involved there are lots of ifs and buts to confuse the issue.


On the science.

What's the problem exactly though?

The replication crisis shows science is checking and validating itself.

No other movement puts itself under this kind of scrutiny and self criticism. There is always going to be a Schön at some point, but they get uncovered eventually.
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