Protest meeting and campsites at the proposed Thornton Hall mass migration centre


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Sep 11, 2021
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Thornton Hall map.png

53.462149, -6.353479 and 53.469271, -6.339210

On the 3rd of June 2024 an evening meeting was held just off the main street in Ashbourne Co. Meath to discuss, and in practice protest against, the proposed huge migrant centre at Thornton Hall, nearby on the Meath/Dublin border. Organised by the group that are now protesting at the site, it was particularly called by Jana Lunden who spoke at it alongwith, Colm Bracken, Maeve Murran, Mary Kerrigan, Catherine, and finally the former broadcaster and painter Kevin Sharkey.

It followed the usual pattern of shock that such a huge development could take place with hardly any consultation or even knowledge among the local people, with just a small argument breaking out between Jana and Hermann Kelly who was there. Hermann objected that political representatives or candidates were not allowed to speak but Jana was adamant that it was to be a non political event like that.

Kevin Sharkey made a stirring speech that made a great impression on the crowd. He was sceptical, even suspicious, at the motives of the government in allowing so many migrants in, even those with mental disorders, saying “Once you create chaos the boot coming down is the only answer”. Not buying the government line he remarked that “A man who flees war brings his wife and children.” Further remarks of his included: “This is suicidal what they are doing to the country,” a plan “to replace the Irish people”, “our compassion has been weaponised”. It boils down to “Who owns Ireland? You and God own Ireland and that’s the way it should be.” He ended with an emotional point that as the only black person in Killybegs he was accepted and treated very well, and is angry that that history of great welcome and tolerance of Irish people is now being totally misrepresented, and abused.

Since last Thursday (30/5/2024) there is now two protest sites at two entrances to the very large green field site at Thornton Hall. One is on a small entrance/layby on the N2 itself (now called R135) and the other is at the actual entrance to Thornton Hall house on a smaller road nearby. The hope is that the protesters can now keep going at both sites – helped a little by veterans of the Dublin protests – and so prevent the migrants coming in or developers from moving onto the site. They welcome all the help they can get, with food, coffee and firewood for example.

What follows is a picture of one of the sites and an interview with Louise Duggan, an attendee at the Ashbourne meeting, and Martina Plunkett Stritch at the entrance to Thornton Hall house (she is in fact related to the titled Plunkett families, who are very prominent in the history of that immediate area, and even to the Plunketts of 1916 fame).

by Brian Nugent

Thornton Hall, 3 June 2024, protest camp at entrance to the actual House.jpg



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Sep 11, 2021
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So two migrant men tried to snatch her daughters. It is only a matter of time before we have a calamity.


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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Whilst I admire the attitude of the locals and those protesting and taking direct action, it is no longer enough.

This government is determined to plant Ireland with foreign nationals, they are even happy to override local authorities and planning laws to force this plantation upon us.

Simple makeshift camps are not going to work and only offer a token of public anger at what is happening.

Can you imagine in 1916 if the IRA simply set up some protest stalls in opposition to the British Occupation?

Nobody is advocating violence, let that be clear, but what we need is something more, some unified national movement.

If there aren't at least 50% nationalist candidates elected in the European Elections then we have already lost, because if the public still can't see what is happening then they never will until it is too late.


Active member
Mar 12, 2023
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What's the betting that Harris et al will bring down the northern kapos when it finally gets going? Looking at how our own Gardai treated the people of Newtown will give you an idea of the type we are dealing with. We are at war with our government and I suspect they don't want to kick off anything until the elections this week are over and then I fear it will be gloves off.

Coal Gas and peat

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May 2, 2022
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What's the betting that Harris et al will bring down the northern kapos when it finally gets going? Looking at how our own Gardai treated the people of Newtown will give you an idea of the type we are dealing with. We are at war with our government and I suspect they don't want to kick off anything until the elections this week are over and then I fear it will be gloves off.
Are you talking about the £10 touts ?


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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The 24/7 camps are fantastic, they encompass tremendous courage on the part of some and great local community support. That's definitely the way to go at these protests, and they are also of course a visible reminder to everybody as to what's going on. But they are difficult to keep going, especially when the gardai destroy people's stuff etc.

Many thanks Myles, I am criss crossing the country as I try to help out at least until the election!

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Nobody is advocating violence, let that be clear, but what we need is something more, some unified national movement.

If there aren't at least 50% nationalist candidates elected in the European Elections then we have already lost, because if the public still can't see what is happening then they never will until it is too late.
I said a few weeks ago it seemed insane to me to have so many disparate nationalist candidates running in each constituency.

Dan and Bocht tried to convince me its okay because of the mechanisms of Proportional Representation, ie, that the ones eliminated will transfer to the next one and so on.

I don't buy it. Who knows what way Paddy will transfer on the day. He'll probably give a Shinner his number two, God knows.

We'd have been much better unifying behind one strong nationalist candidate in each constituency and putting all the resources behind them instead of this disjointed, piecemeal effort we currently have where there seems to be hundreds of lads running despite them all saying the same thing.


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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What's the betting that Harris et al will bring down the northern kapos when it finally gets going? Looking at how our own Gardai treated the people of Newtown will give you an idea of the type we are dealing with. We are at war with our government and I suspect they don't want to kick off anything until the elections this week are over and then I fear it will be gloves off.
A lot depends on the elections.

If we vote for nationalist politicians then they will panic and the shit will hit the fan among the government parties as we have a General Election around the corner, they won't want to destroy their political careers and you may seem some heavy backpedaling, we already witnessed this in the recent referendum.

However, if the establishment wins the Euros and to a smaller extent the local councils, then they will feel justified in continuing with their destruction and perhaps ramp it up with hate speech laws so they can finally shut down free speech and most certainly continue with the plantation.


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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The 24/7 camps are fantastic, they encompass tremendous courage on the part of some and great local community support. That's definitely the way to go at these protests, and they are also of course a visible reminder to everybody as to what's going on. But they are difficult to keep going, especially when the gardai destroy people's stuff etc.

Many thanks Myles, I am criss crossing the country as I try to help out at least until the election!
They are pointless.

When the establishment start moving people into these areas, we have already seen what happens to these camps and the locals, they are stamped upon and destroyed.

Even the bad optics for the Gardai haven't stopped them from doing their bidding for the government.


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Sep 11, 2021
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Yes this vote on the 7th is very significant because of that, it could be a very historic election either way.

Coal Gas and peat

Well-known member
May 2, 2022
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It will be much better structured for the dail election Myles , our side will be compelled to have their Apple cart in order.....I fully agree with your concerns Myles I saw it myself at counts .....I saw fine Gael 1 SF 2 votes in 2011 , it's very hard to herd 2nd and 3rd preferences , but they are gonna have to learn and get pacts going


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Sep 11, 2021
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These camps have succeeded in stopping the migrants centres in numerous places, at Bargain town in North Dublin, in Oughtetard and in Arklow for example. Its the only thing that can work.


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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I said a few weeks ago it seemed insane to me to have so many disparate nationalist candidates running in each constituency.

Dan and Bocht tried to convince me its okay because of the mechanisms of Proportional Representation, ie, that the ones eliminated will transfer to the next one and so on.

I don't buy it. Who knows what way Paddy will transfer on the day. He'll probably give a Shinner his number two, God knows.

We'd have been much better unifying behind one strong nationalist candidate in each constituency and putting all the resources behind them instead of this disjointed, piecemeal effort we currently have where there seems to be hundreds of lads running despite them all saying the same thing.

The UK is a perfect example of what a unifying figure can do.

Before Farage announcing his candiacy to stand in the General Election and take up leadership of the Reform Party, we were about to witness the biggest election shock in UK history.

Not only were the Brits ignoring the invasion and all the internal problems caused by this, they were going to vote back into power Labour, the original architects of everything that had gone wrong with the UK. The polls were showing that Labour would have over 450 MPS with the Conservatives with a mere 150, a bigger Labour Majority than when Blair became PM.

With the Farage now back as the main opposition to the establishment the British now have someone they can rally around like they did in Brexit.

The point here is, that without Farage, reform UK weren't even making a dent, now it seems they could do some damage not only to the Conservatives but also Labour.

Nobody is expecting a reform election win, but if they get ina few MPS they can build on a public base to go on and become bigger and better and stronger, the sad thing is that it took a unifying figure in Farage to do all of this.


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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These camps have succeeded in stopping the migrants centres in numerous places, at Bargain town in North Dublin, in Oughtetard and in Arklow for example. Its the only thing that can work.
I disagree, they have stopped currently because the optics look bad to the government during an election.

Wait until it's over, and if they win hugely.

Do you think a pop-up Gazebo will stop the force of the Gardai and their batons and riot squads?

It wasn't that long ago we witnessed them chasing protestors down their own streets, this is what we are up against.


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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It will be much better structured for the dail election Myles , our side will be compelled to have their Apple cart in order.....I fully agree with your concerns Myles I saw it myself at counts .....I saw fine Gael 1 SF 2 votes in 2011 , it's very hard to herd 2nd and 3rd preferences , but they are gonna have to learn and get pacts going

I also have grave concerns about the legitimacy of our elections.

You mention votes 1 and 2, come this Friday I am only voting for nationalist candidates in my area, so perhaps a 1 to 4, but what is stopping someone from adding a 5, 6, and 7 to FG and FF later on? We can't even mark out these extra boxes because it could invalidate our vote or be considered a mark for another candidate.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Yes, they can and do succeed, it helps though if the local community are game enough to put another one back up again when the first one gets destroyed!

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