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Myles O'Reilly

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Feb 3, 2022
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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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Mowl said that of Tony "The Singing Priest" Walsh.

Walsh is doing life in prison and Mowl is a drug addict with bi-polar disorder.
He canvassed for O'Snotty in the election. There will be some craic in the next general election if O'Snotdy runs again which he probably will. Mowl will be goin round with him and that Dub with balls will attack them.

I would love to see Mowl making his case. In the end of the day Mowl backed a mass migration traitor
who takes houses from Irish Homeless and gives them to homeless dole seekers from Tim Buck Too.

I was right to give Mowl the works. I sensed he was a traitor back in the day.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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More death on the menu for modern Ireland:

I disagree Hermit (and probably with the majority of posters here).

I believe in the right to die with dignity.

I remember this lad's story for example. A 40 year old DJ who was living a grand life dropped his phone while driving. He went to pick it up and smashed into another car leaving him paralysed from the neck down and blind.

If you were lying in bed every day and couldn't move an inch and were blind as a bat, would you want to continue "living"?



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Sep 11, 2021
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Quietly that is the real agenda, to push rapidly for euthanasia while everybody is talking about the Referenda. They will push the "hard cases" to get it through and then have it used widely as an integral part of the medical system, the usual procedure.

Utterly horrific, actually it will be aggresively pushed on all older and seriously ill people, especially to save the HSE, because the system will be penniless after the financial crash. It will be a bit like covid that way.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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A few days after Iceland got its first Rabbi he started calling for the Country to take in refugees

“It’s a bedrock of the Jewish people and of the Torah,” said Rabbi Avi Feldman, 27, who moved from Brooklyn to Reykjavik with his wife and two daughters this year to become Iceland's first resident rabbi.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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I believe in the right to die with dignity.
Do you think that dying by natural means is undignified? I don't like the word "dignity" which has been introduced into this debate. If someone dies in pain, that's not undignified. I think committing suicide is undignified.

I remember this lad's story for example. A 40 year old DJ who was living a grand life dropped his phone while driving. He went to pick it up and smashed into another car leaving him paralysed from the neck down and blind.
Don't fall for the hard case arguments. The same tactic was used with rape cases for abortion in Ireland. Just look at Canada if you want to know what happens when you open the door for euthanasia.

If you were lying in bed every day and couldn't move an inch and were blind as a bat, would you want to continue "living"?
Yes, I'd fight on because I'm not a faggot who gives up in the face of adversity. Because that is what euthanasia will end up being, just like in Canada, an escape route for snowflakes who can't handle the hardship of life. Disabled people can and do still lead a positive life, they can still experience happiness and love.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Don't fall for the hard case arguments. The same tactic was used with rape cases for abortion in Ireland.
That's the opposite argument. This issue is just about hard cases by its very nature.

The abortion situation, like I said, is opposite. The hard cases were already protected under Irish law. They just used that Indian girl's tragic death as a weapon which unfortunately people fell for.

In any event, there's no equivalence between an adult who's lived their life and wishes to make their own decision and an innocent baby who has no choice.

Yes, I'd fight on because I'm not a faggot who gives up in the face of adversity. Because that is what euthanasia will end up being, just like in Canada, an escape route for snowflakes who can't handle the hardship of life. Disabled people can and do still lead a positive life, they can still experience happiness and love.
How old are you?

A man who can't move a muscle, is fed by a tube and is blind - is a faggot giving up in the face of adversity?

You come across as quite young and naive. There's life's adversity and then there's things you can't even begin to imagine, son.

I'm going to leave it there because you might not be mature enough to understand buddy (y)


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Top Poster Of Month
Sep 11, 2021
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Do you think that dying by natural means is undignified? I don't like the word "dignity" which has been introduced into this debate. If someone dies in pain, that's not undignified. I think committing suicide is undignified.

Don't fall for the hard case arguments. The same tactic was used with rape cases for abortion in Ireland. Just look at Canada if you want to know what happens when you open the door for euthanasia.

Yes, I'd fight on because I'm not a faggot who gives up in the face of adversity. Because that is what euthanasia will end up being, just like in Canada, an escape route for snowflakes who can't handle the hardship of life. Disabled people can and do still lead a positive life, they can still experience happiness and love.
Myles had the option of euthanasia but avoided Kingscourt.

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