A genuinely bombshell interview with Andrew Bridgen MP


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Sep 11, 2021
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This thread is simply to discuss this interview with Andrew Bridgen MP. It might seem a little much having a whole thread on just one interview, which is also two hours long, but you won't think that if you actually listen to it!

Its an absolutely extraordinary interview, if you thought the UK was somewhat corrupt, having watched this interview I defy you not to conclude, that you didn't know the half of it! Andrew Bridgen is now well known for his, of course very correct, opposition to the vaccines and it is covered here, apparently the mood in the House of Commons is that actually the MPs already know its a scam but just won't say so, but it is not at all the full weight of this interview. For example:

– He states the UK military is already in a sense at war with Russia, and that they are expecting a nuclear bomb detonation in Europe quite soon.

– That some powerful group is involved in child sex trafficking into the UK, using small private airports and using the children as sex slaves and then killing them and harvesting their organs.

– That senior politicians told him it was all a game, Tory v Labour etc, and the Rwanda bill on mass migration is in that vein, a total scam never designed to actually happen.

– Paedophilia is rampant among the elite, including in Leicester where Lord Janner was.

– He was intimating involved in exposing the Post Office computer scandal, where thousands of sub post masters people were wrongly convicted. This includes the statement that the current head of the Liberal party in England, as the then responsible government minister, received a retainer from the legal firm that pursued these wrongful convictions.

And actually much much more, I know its long but I would really advise people to watch this.


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Sep 11, 2021
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How do we know it is not just disinfo. Organ harvesting surely necessitates expertize and most people , not me, would just discount it.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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How do we know it is not just disinfo. Organ harvesting surely necessitates expertize and most people , not me, would just discount it.
I dunno so much.

Organ harvesting is hardly the most honest of trades and there are tales a plenty of dodgy goings on, not least the 'Elizabeth' lady who was said to be busy taking the giblets from wounded Ukrainian soldiers whether the wounds were fatal or not. They certainly were once she had been at the poor b'stards.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Well he didn't provide a whole lot of details on that part (child sex trafficking and organ harvesting) he just said he passed on all the names to the authorities. But he said that if you knew those names, you wouldn't be at all shocked to know those investigations always go nowhere.

There is always the possibility that Bridgen is not kosher, because the powers that be always have their agents on both sides of any argument, but at the same time he does provide a lot of facts on many of the other issues.

By and large I would guess most of what he says is true, and you can get away with absolutely anything if they control the media as much as they obviously do.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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There's no need to listen to it after Bocht gave a good summary in his OP.

He's saved a lot of people a lot of time.

That's what OP's should always be about (y)


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Well he didn't provide a whole lot of details on that part (child sex trafficking and organ harvesting) he just said he passed on all the names to the authorities. But he said that if you knew those names, you wouldn't be at all shocked to know those investigations always go nowhere.

There is always the possibility that Bridgen is not kosher, because the powers that be always have their agents on both sides of any argument, but at the same time he does provide a lot of facts on many of the other issues.

By and large I would guess most of what he says is true, and you can get away with absolutely anything if they control the media as much as they obviously do.
bridgen is a class act and fearless --he goes where no other man goes and the empty seats in the commons is not that anyone dislikes him --they cannot WITNESS what he says --everyone can deny / never heard that / wasnt in the commons that day /that hour / o i never heard thanks / i must have a chat when i bump into him next TA RA TA RA and so on .
as he is rarely published in total --much of the commentary is innuendo and NEVER NEVER NEVER analyses his facts .
in the 1990s i was in Bangladesh and stayed in a compound in a tea garden which had portacabins and a small pool and staff to cook meals and look after the place and guests --it was the British high commission compound generally only used by diplomats of varying nations and somebody in Concern had got them to take me - my wife and my wifes sister who was a exhausted worn out nurse for Concern and was the reason we were in Bangladesh to see should we bring her home .
the British embassy is not in Dhaka the capital it is Shlyet in the tea gardens where we stayed and there were other guests and we spent days talking to the wife of the c------- ambassador and her two sons who were on a break from the nightmare that is dhaka .
on the third day she said BINMAN are bastards --they allow people to impersonate NGOs and put thousands of street children on their flights to India where their organs are harvested and they get enough to buy a new mobile phone but die on the streets later where they were picked up .
they are nameless and without family and in teeming Bangladesh death is never far away .
they are told they are ill and free of charge the best doctors in the world are going to cure you -- they could only dream of a flight on a plane and here they are it all looks legit to them .
these organs are sent to those who will pay the most for kidneys corneas and the surgeries are preformed in Asia and England as it is too far for the organs to travel with out alerting various authorities in the USA.
her government are extraordinary and employ 55,000 people in Bangladesh and she and most of the diplomatic corps knew what she knew as did the so called journalists.
Andrew bridgen is only scratching the surface --the world is a greedy evil place for many.

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