Ballyogan Anti-Mass Migration Protests


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Sep 11, 2021
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Ballyogan protest site, 24 May 2005.png

This now 24 hour protest is held at the entrance to the Ballyogan Recycling Park on the Ballyogan Road, in South County Dublin, 53.255619, -6.187649.

Very recently protests blew up here after locals heard about the creation of an IPAS migrant centre, adjoining a recycling centre, at Ballyogan in South Co. Dublin. When they heard about it details were uploaded to a residents group page, questions were asked of local Councillors, to no avail, and a protest was started.

The Gardaí have moved rapidly to destroy that protest, violently moving the locals aside and arresting them on what seems very thin grounds. In their case in court the judge was told the shocking fact that "during the incident, a staff member in her car at the temporary rest centre for refugees was prevented from leaving" and it seems because of this Gardaí objected to bail claiming that the protesters might interfere with witnesses.

It has thankfully been highlighted a lot on social media and confirms that the government are not able to suppress information about their lack of respect for the right of Irish people to protest, including a picket on vehicles entering and leaving, as is common in peaceful protests the world over.

In any case above is a map of the area in case people would like to join and help (the Newtown Mount Kennedy group have already agreed to assist) and I will leave you with a couple of interviews of locals at the site.

by Brian Nugent

Kim Doyle:



Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Good job. That is really the way to build up a clan of patriots. Try and get their names and numbers. All these real life people could be added to a telegram channel for later use.

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