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  1. W

    UK General election - July 4th

    If it has already been said, I apologise. Harmer has appointed Sir Patrick Vallance as Scientific Advisor to his cabinet of horrors Now all he needs a position for Whitty and Birdflu is a- go. They are already stockpiling the new poison.
  2. W

    Fr. Malachi : "An Apostate Pope, Under the Control of Satan?"

    Aaaand there you have it. He can excommunicate me too, that demon. I would rather sit under a hedge and listen to SSPX than set foot into a church and bow to that organisation. This is just one more horror that evil man inflicts on the faithful.
  3. W

    Have you any opinions on/experience with African Taxi drivers in Ireland?

    It's been getting worse every year. A few years back my youngest was in her last years undergrad at NUIG. And they had to organise themselves into groups to be able to walk back late from class or labs due to foreign perverts harassing them and chasing them. And the guards just could not be...
  4. W

    Should I buy a pub in Ireland.

    Yes. I'm El Cheapo. I used to buy a HOSTEL bed for 20 to 30 quid. A place to kip after going out. The other day I was quoted 100 quid. For a bunk. Well eff that. Yes I could pay for the 5 star on the outskirts - but I refuse to. This price inflation - caused by gov subsidising 'fugees' in their...
  5. W

    Should I buy a pub in Ireland.

    Wait. You banned Myles? Why?
  6. W

    Should I buy a pub in Ireland.

    Are we talking about Ballybunion? I can tell you the season here is strangely subdued. Very quiet, not joyful at all. Could be the shocking weather, or maybe something else. There is a pall over everything. Very sad, I have a massive struggle keeping my children in a positive mindset. Except...
  7. W

    Should I buy a pub in Ireland.

    Ballybunion is a kip. Sadly so. Jusht keep going until you hit civilisation South and West of Tralee.
  8. W

    Should I buy a pub in Ireland.

    In Ballyb you'd need chicken wire to shield your staff too. Stainless steel mirrors. I like your thinking, Val. 🤣
  9. W

    Joe's World

    Newsom is quite possibly even more odiously evil than Poopy and his handlers. God help us if he gets near the levers of power.
  10. W

    Joe's World

    South Africa is their template for the future they intend for all Whites. What a disgusting speech - not in the least surprised. Biden is despicable - and as a nation we fawned over him last autumn in a sickening spectacle.. (was it? Or the year before that. I forget.) We should have pelted him...
  11. W

    Europe and Islam

    We are all on a powder keg with these people. To my mind they have defective souls, lacking empathy. There is only one solution, which we will not contemplate. Therefore we must perish. Shadows and dust.
  12. W

    The Boycott

    Keep us all posted. I will flyer and sticker here in Kerry.
  13. W

    Should I buy a pub in Ireland.

    Oh no There's a reason why it'be 'cheap'.
  14. W

    Should I buy a pub in Ireland.

    Not at all. Buses and individuals. Swamped we are - and since March. God Bless America, as the folk say in Kerry. Continentals too. But it is about location, location, location. A little off the beaten track and you're dying on your feet especially with a mortgage.
  15. W

    Have you any opinions on/experience with African Taxi drivers in Ireland?

    Thankfully I don't use taxis except for the odd time. If I were by myself I'd avoid muzz looking drivers more than African ones, tbf. I remember once being in a Dublin taxi driven by a crazy Georgian - he drove like they do in the East. Hair raising🤣😵‍💫 - so yea no taxis for me unless it's an...
  16. W

    Former "Boyzone" singer says Taylor Swift performs Satanic rituals infront of fans.

    The last days of June.. maybe that holds meaning for them? Roll on July and leave rainbow month in the rear view mirror.
  17. W

    The Boycott

    I watched the few clips, one where he slowly shuffled off the stage led by the nanny, 'Dr' Jill. One shouldn't make fun of the afflicted - but in this case I'll make an exception. Ten weeks is a looong time in politics - they'll have him replaced with French Laundry demon Gavin Newsom by then...
  18. W

    US Politics.

    Nothing would surprise me with that crime syndicate.
  19. W

    The Boycott

    Why waste good food. Use the renewable resources that everyone has for free 😇
  20. W

    "Tommy Robinson" arrested at "March Against Antisemitism" Rally.

    They look after their assets, cannot fult them on that score

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