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  1. Declan

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Maybe do a podcast. Some one suggested me and you do a cha and miley
  2. Declan

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Someone likely reported you
  3. Declan

    The National Party

    It is not about the gold which some say was not 400000 but just €40000. it was about the members not viewing Barrett as a suitable leader. Now it is about Reynolds not wanting to be seen as a racist
  4. Declan

    The National Party

    It appears that some have just disappeared, namely Reynolds . Why he has not been ousted is a mystery. also, has Hermann Kelly gone back into hibernation after having imo his job completed , which was ti screw up john waters.
  5. Declan


    We have seen the rapid elimination of biden, macron n and sunik. Not a good week for zellensky
  6. Declan

    UK General election - July 4th

    So, LaFarge in, Corbyn in and George Galloway out to join clair daly and wallace at some palastinian march
  7. Declan

    UK General election - July 4th

    Considering just how bad the conservatives are, and reform taking a lot of votes, they still did surprisingly well.
  8. Declan

    The National Party

    View: That is what we want to hear
  9. Declan

    Irish Memories of the Second Vatican Council

    Good job.
  10. Declan

    Irish Memories of the Second Vatican Council

    You grew lled him pretty aggressively toward the end, saying in effect the Church lay down and took its beating
  11. Declan


    Well, that is why he is only the 2nd smartest man in Ireland.
  12. Declan

    The Fall of America

    They owe the money to hoards of people all over the entire world. The sell the bonds to anyone that will buy them. And if more buyers are needed any day, The Federal Reserve will buy them with newly created money. To take one concrete example. I had a Japanese man and family on tour one day...
  13. Declan

    Have you any opinions on/experience with African Taxi drivers in Ireland?

    I think Galway City has been ruined to a far greater extent than anyplace including Dublin. It has gone from 34000 to 85000 in 40 years. Once you could walk down Shop Street and know to see plenty of people, not so today, i just knew ONE on my last visit.
  14. Declan

    US Politics.

    Spot on, I should have said, that type of black lad. I interact and chat to a huge amount of people and it just s an eye opener to learn just how many blacks have a great understanding of reality. And many more just kniw that something is amiss, they just do not know what it is. and now they...
  15. Declan

    The National Party

    They may not like his dictatorial style. But their efforts now for 8 years have been destroyed by Barrett first and many times worse by Reynolds. Has he been seen at all since the election. They have one elected member, Mr Quinlan. He needs to take the bull by the horns and form a new party...
  16. Declan

    To The Moon This could be good. Maybe the radiation will fry him
  17. Declan

    US Politics.

    If he drops the nomination, the obvious thing is he has to drop out of office as well. So stocks would drop heavily. markets are closed tomorrow and trading would be light friday so it would by monday be absorbed somewhat. so tomorrow is imo the crucial day, it he does not go tomorrow he will...
  18. Declan

    US Politics.

    Just hope that Biden can get to Monday and the heave will have failed.
  19. Declan

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Can you link because there likely are a few

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