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  1. J

    Donald Trump.

    If Biden is "reelected" in November ( he got the most votes ever in 2020 after all 🙄) it's almost certain that we will have president Kamala Harris within 18 months.
  2. J

    Donald Trump.

    These are the same people who convinced the majority of the population that a deadly pandemic caused by a bat in a Chinese market was everywhere while Nurses and doctors danced around empty hospitals, so rigging an election will be a piece of cake
  3. J

    Donald Trump.

    I have already predicted here that Donald Trump won't win the November election and it will be 4 more years of Poop pants
  4. J

    US Politics.

    Trump is pantomime and should fuck off the stage, the guy was POTUS all 365 days of 20 during the biggest scam in human history and did absolutely nothing
  5. J

    September 11th 2001 - Never Forget

    Just like how Covid changed from a Severe respiratory illness that would have people dropping down dead on the street to every runny nose/sore throat & itchy arsehole in the country
  6. J

    September 11th 2001 - Never Forget

    I am young😆, my first time on an airplane wasn't until August 29th 2007
  7. J

    September 11th 2001 - Never Forget

    Any reconstruction I've ever seen has had passengers phoning with Nokia 8110s 🤷🏻
  8. J

    September 11th 2001 - Never Forget

    Has anyone in the mainstream ever asked how was it possible for people up in the sky in an airplane to make phone calls home on mobile phones in 2001? That narrative as well as the BBC announcing the tower falling too early & one of the hijackerS passport found in mint condition was Fair City...
  9. J

    September 11th 2001 - Never Forget

    Has anyone in the mainstream ever asked how was it possible for people up in airplane to make phone calls home on mobile phones in 2001? That narrative as well as the BBC announcing the tower falling too early was fair city level of bad writing
  10. J

    The Fall of America

    They say long-term opioid use basically rewires the brain completely and even if someone was clean for 5 years the urge to use again would still be there.
  11. J

    US Politics.

    It should even be obvious to NPCs now that the whole Trump thing is a staged pantomime that he's almost certainly in on
  12. J

    US Politics.

    The whole Trump thing seems to me to be nothing more than bread and circuses with Trump just a willing actor in the whole thing. He was absolutely useless during the covid scam and for that reason i would never trust him

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